I am George Jung's cousin..and this is my story - BLOW 2.

DID Kevin Jung end up in jail, dead or walked free? (it is not googleable)

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Well-Known Member
Look Kevin, you're barking up the wrong tree. There has been a spate of of drug movies, books, ad nauseum e.g. George's story, Scarface, Falcon/snowman, Good Fellas, etc. Its been worked to death. However you could create a ripe new and lucrative genre filled with massive potential and diversity: comedies, dramas, etc all with the common theme of being naked in jail. Recall westerns, lawyer shows and books. Let's brainstorm and post some pics

Edit;!!~!!~ a fucking Musical! Like Grease or Jesus Christ Superstar!
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Well-Known Member
I told most of my best stories in therapy.
Here is my honest opinion.
If you NEED to write it we wont be able to stop you.
If you NEED us to Want to read it, you will never write it.

If you write it someone might read it.

That's all the guarantee I can give.

IF you write it, get back to us with a link.


Well-Known Member
I have waited long enough to tell my story. I am George Jung's younger cousin Kevin. They made a movie about my cousin George in 2001 and Johnny Depp played him. Well around the same time George was getting rich, I had just turned 18 years old and I find myself in a Canadian border holding cell standing naked in front of a bunch of plains clothes Canadian narcotics officers..I wonder to myself, how did the son of a bank president, sheltered from his cousin George Jung, end up in almost the exact same place? and now what?

Please rate this topic 5 stars or comment below if you would like to read the ebook! It's tough to write and I really need motivation to write it.

I would like to tell my story about what it was like growing up in the Jung family. You can sign up for more free info at www.blow2.com I will have more info coming shortly and ebook once i clear lawyers/legal. I grew up in Stowe, Vermont and really was normal kid, hoping to go to college, varsity athlete, hockey co-captain, but Stowe had the excitement of the nightlife to offer and plenty or drugs and money and hot women. I started dealing drugs at 16 years old like a lot of us did..but a lot of us didn't end up naked at the canadian border...or worse.
So u want to make money from your story? maybe a film guy ( didnt know what a film producer was, so i wrote film guy :) ) will see this thread somewhere in the interwob and pick up on this ...... if i was a film guy i would snatch it u up like dropped crack to a hooker.

You should push the boat out, think outside the box, swim with the bigger fish ( tweet film producers ) and go down the 'got a great story, wanna make a film out of it' road ... :) ....... if its true i would predict it to be huge, everyone loves a drug dealer story.

Thats what i'd do .... i'd help on twitter etc with my 6000 followers ( 500 in 3hrs yesterday) but i smoke weed, grow weed and i would like to stay on the good side of life because theres more people on the right side of the law than not which means more money for me ....... but thats my suggestion.

Good luck :)


Active Member
Hey, sorry for long delay, been busy! Appreciate all the feedback, both good and bad... it's helpful. Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts. I will answer some of them now:
Yes I am writing the book and it's coming along. I will post link here when it's ready. I am writing it as Kevin Jung, a family pen name, not my full real name due to security concerns and not wanting George to contact me or my family. I am from Stowe, VT, my cousin George Jung (aka the snitch) is from Weymouth, MA and my dad, his first cousin, grew up with him in Massachusetts.
The dude from stowe, who says he doesn't recognize me? Well I'm not using my real name for privacy reasons for now. I graduated Stowe High school over 40 years ago and two of my friends were murdered, one was still in Stowe High..does that ring a bell? email me at blow2thebook@yahoo and I will gladly talk to you about Stowe and drugs to confirm my story and identify.
I hate snitches too..we are not proud of George Jung .He single-handedly fucked over my family name and that of 2 great WW1 and WWII family war hero's he was named after. The first George Jung died in WWI at a battle as a Dutch soldier. I would like to bring some honor back to the George Jung name if I can in their honor. Blow2 will not glorify the drug trade...i hope to do the opposite...as it cost two of my friends their lives, and one was only 16 years old...the movie Blow makes it look like good business BUT the book and movie Blow2 will be totally different. In Blow no one died that you knew, George seems untouchable and enjoying his criminal and selfish lifestyle until he lost his daughter. My story is much different...it's about great & tragic loss...and growing up in a forbidden drug culture society, where we and our children are all being fucked over by a government that cares more about drug companies that it's own population, and the few bad decisions that we made that cost some of us our lives. Once told I hope it helps some to avoid the same mistakes that I did..and keep them from being killed as the risks today seem to be the same. I welcome all your thoughts... also thx for advice on helping to get the story noticed..I do know there is interest in Hollywood in this story and it just needs to be written well now.