i am now a hasish instructor


Well-Known Member
ya i just look at thir prices to go thir not badd would liek to learn to blow some glass and shit tryed 1 time glass shaterd on me :( hot ass hell too


Well-Known Member
i have to go in today and sit in the back of the class and "observe". maybe take some notes. i took the class already but he wants me to run thru it 1 more time. for some reason i'm nervous. he may just decide to have me sit up front along side the other instructor. i've never really done any public speaking. i do love to talk though. :)

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
for some reason i'm nervous. he may just decide to have me sit up front along side the other instructor. i've never really done any public speaking. i do love to talk though. :)
I feel for you. Part of my job includes doing software training in a classroom environment. The first time I had to get up in front of the class and teach (years ago) I thought I was going to vomit.

Don't worry.... after the first couple of classes your nerves will calm down and soon you will come to love it.

Classrooms of adults are no different then classrooms of kids in terms of getting derailed. Meek instructors tend to let the class get off track because they let the group steer discussions away from the class subject. You have to be the alpha dog in the class and not be afraid to take charge and keep the class on track.

One girl I work with HATES ... CAN'T STAND to teach a class because she is very meek and she gets bamboozled every time and then gets flustered because she runs out of time before she covered what needs to be covered. Luckily I don't have that problem. I have no problems keeping even the rowdiest people in line and on track. When they leave... they've learned exactly what they were there to learn.

I think you will do just fine. If I still lived in Cali I'd sign up for your class :D
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Well-Known Member
i have to go in today and sit in the back of the class and "observe". maybe take some notes. i took the class already but he wants me to run thru it 1 more time. for some reason i'm nervous. he may just decide to have me sit up front along side the other instructor. i've never really done any public speaking. i do love to talk though. :)
If it's something you know about and have a passion for, believe me, it just flows. I used to speak in front of large groups all the time when I was at the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific. :D (My favorite thing to do was to give the kids the krill we fed to the baby bamboo sharks that the aquarium breeds, raises, and releases.)

Congratulations. When you're published I'll add you to my list of published friends.


Well-Known Member
please check my latest post in Toke N Talk, and let me know if it needs to be removed, I apologize if it does, and/or is inappropriate.... hope you can understand...