i like having the politics forum here..its good to have people list and debate information about whats going on in the world.
my only issue with it is seeing 25 threads or more a day posted thats taking space away from the reason the site is here...marijuana cultivation.they are obviously on limited bandwidth here which is why at least once a week the site is down almost all day to upgrade to another server.all these politics threads are gumming up the works.and it also seems that the vast majority of these politic threads are here to nothing more then start arguments....we have enough of those in the growing threads as it is.some people should try and get the best of both worlds...use the politics threads and the growing threads.
i feel that if you dont grow..or have any input on growing and are here just to post political threads then your here for the wrong reasons and are taking up much needed space.
Great post.
Is it true the server was upgraded? Then that means congrats to the owners for a higher traffic count and their revenue potential. Lil ass kissing there myself.
I own a domain of California20XX I hope will turn into a site for political fun. I could open that and host some of the traffic if that will help but I feel the need for people to Share is strong. That where we are able to interact is a big draw.
Anyway Myself I feel strongly that legalizing for the people is the way to go and it's good to cycle these sorts of things. True that it would be more helpful if it was more compact and more targeted but who knows what people are interested in until one can see what choices they make.
I'm flexible.. I'm an accomplished poster and thread maker too. I grew up with it from the 1980s on. Back when to read and post of forums meant that we used our phones to call one computer some place for a one at a time and one on one use of someone's home computer running the BBS software.
So I am avid about forums because it has been the medium of choice for 30 years for me. I also can really make use of the current hard ware I own. Never has information been so plentiful and so easy to access.
Hell we even can include videos in a message now. I started when Color was something and then there were those Amiga computer graphics that pre-dated HTML that was used for a while on the Amiga BBS'
That's where i come from. I am for legalizing. I write computer programs exploring the nature of information as a hobby as well and at 50 both of my main interests are exciting and better than ever for me.
I'm all for the hate speech to be moderated. If it comes down to someone is labelling someone a name such as Fag or Stupid as the main counter to conversation then that can be done in better ways. That sort of hate speech has ruined political forums on other sites.
Well thanks again.