I am so dissapointed right now...

sami lynn

New Member
does anyone remember my post about ho my cat ate my plant? well I revived it and it grew insanely fast and is super stinky! but what I am disappointed about is the fact that I think my little goblin is a boy, he has a little balls on him. I have 2 other plants and don't know the sex of them yet, is it a good idea to remove and destroy the male yet or not yet? I wanted to use the seeds off of him if that is possible.


Well-Known Member
Any chance your cats female? LOL I would get that male out of there asap, i think if you are looking to get seeds they need to be pollinated with females? But i dont know for sure? Maybe some more experienced people can help? But i would for sure get that male out of there incase the other plants are female. Got any pics?


Well-Known Member
Separate the dude, collect some pollen, and make your own seeds with the females IMO.

Do some research, and you'll find it's not too difficult, and it's always nice to have some seeds on hand.

Good luck, regardless.