I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

Neveahs post hurt my eyes to read.It feels like a really bad episode of the twilight zone in the SS&P,it almost made me think about an event horizon like theme,like the movie.The avatar even adds to the overall sense of insanity.

Whats wrong with My avatar?

Thats Me in My avatar, with a big smile on My face.

I look good enough to be presentable.

Whats wrong with My avatar?

Nevaeh420 why do you waste your time with cannabis and pills?
You need some sense slapped into you. Except you can't slap a brain like a face, only mushrooms can do that.

I quit smoking cannabis over a year ago, the cannabis was making Me more crazy.

I only take melatonin for sleep, an over the counter sleeping hormone. I dont take illegal pills and I never really have.

Again with this shit? Gotta be trolling now, no 1 person could ever be this fucking retarded/delusional repeatedly

I am just fine, thanks.

I dont know how to troll, I only know how to speak the Truth.

I am unemployed right now, so I have all the time in the world to blog. But I do plan on going to truck driving school in the next few months, so I can get My CDL license and become a commercial truck driver.

Does that make Me a troll or delusional/retarded?

I didnt even need to read half your post to understand idiocy of the maker...although this world is pretty idiotic, maybe you did make it after all...

I was the Beginning, and I will be the End.

Of course I made the universe, who else would have, lol? I just dont remember doing it.

This dudes been to the funny farm multiple times and it appears those stays and the medical/mental industry appears to be fucking worthless(which I find typical).
Your jesus would never use the acronym "omg" by the way.

I dont have a Jesus, by the way.

I have My very own Spirituality. I am the Center, and I am the Christ.

Speaking about mental hospitals, they dont do anything for you but put you on medication. Even therapy doesnt help Me with My Christ complex.

I just have My own beliefs, they belong to Me, and I choose to share My beliefs.

My contribution


Who is that sexy man in the middle? Lmao!

That is very funny, I will have to make another avatar, lol.

I dont know what to say, but lmao!

Good work Skuxx!


Well let me say thanks for nothing.
Is it not time for you to
Spring forth from the weed forum and start helping sick and suffering people.
In case you were preoccupied and missed it a whole bunch or rape n murder happened this very day.
If there really was a Jesus, and he really was the son of god, I think he would say "OMD",oh my dad.....

There is no more Jesus: Jesus is dead and never coming back.

There is only Christ- Me.

I would love to see what "Jesus" would say about Me. But Jesus is dead and never coming back.

All you have is Me.

Im not mamic, I only get manic when I am stoned.

I just want you guys to read the link in the OP, and debate about that thread.

That thread, that I linked in the OP, is where I have been spending time, blogging about My Christ complex on a different forum.

You guys should read it. It should be entertaining.


Why the fuck would we waste our time reading that garbage? Like we don't get enough of your crazy ass here??? I feel sorry for your father, I would be ashamed and depressed if my kid turned out like you. We disputed/debunked all of your inane reasons why you think you're christ about a year ago in one of your earliest threads. If you need a reminder of why you're full of shit point by point, simply find that thread and enjoy...

P.S. Please go back to the blank avatar, this one looks crazy and unintelligent...
can you cure my sickness???and exstract the demonds that curupt me... ???

You dont have a sickness, and there is no such thing as demons.

I have read some posts from you, ThumpEasy. You seem like a wonderful person that just needs to practice spelling. Use a browser with spell check.

But, to be veridical, I am not a healer. No one can heal you, except maybe doctors. I am willing to bet that even Jesus couldnt heal people, thats just a myth.

If I could heal people, I would heal everyone at the same time, and I would never let anyone get sick in the first place.

There are no such things as demoms, only negative personality traits. You can heal yourself through the power of positive thinking. Just meditate on good things, and every day, do good works.

I know that you, ThumpEasy, are a wonderful person with great potential. Keep being on your best behavior and see where that takes you.

There is no such things as demons, and no one can perform healing miracles.

Keep doing your very best.

I hope n420 gets help. I kinda worry about him. Not much we can do except hope.

No, Im fine in person.

I just like to "unleash" and talk about all the crazy shit on the internet. It entertains Me and I hope that I am entertaining you guys.

Im fine, really. I just have a Christ complex, and I like to talk about it online.

I dont need anyones pity or sympathy. Just let Me be Me, and I will let you be you.

Are you strong enough to be Christ nevaeh420? Jesus endured so much pain to prove himself to God, are you that strong Nevaeh420?
For us to accept Nevaeh420 as Christ he must be tested, I suggest we tie him to a tree and constantly kick him in the nuts, If he endures than we'll accept him as Christ.

I am strong enough.

I am stong enough to be the Christ.

No, Im fine in person.
I just like to "unleash" and talk about all the crazy shit on the internet. It entertains Me and I hope that I am entertaining you guys.
Im fine, really. I just have a Christ complex, and I like to talk about it online.
I dont need anyones pity or sympathy. Just let Me be Me, and I will let you be you.
Sorry. Didn't mean to condescend. you are entertaining and I enjoy your stuff. I hope no one crucifies you: literally or metaphorically speaking. lol
carry on old bean
I am strong enough.
I am stong enough to be the Christ.
I just had a brilliant idea n420 ( i have those often; they should hook me up to a supercomputer and data-mine my brain for briliant ideas and save mankind from themselves)

How about this: get on a plane to the Phillipines before next Easter. They crucify people their regularly. You could do your thing and bring us all to bliss.

How about it champ? Ready to take one for the team? Don't let us down amigo. We are counting on you.
Remember: junta. siempre. pa' todo tiempo (hope i got that last bit right)
Oh right good idea! In latin america they make men carry a big cross then tie or nail his hands to it.
That's why i gave 2 weeks notice and resigned from christianity
i prefer a non-violent spiritual life
n420 however...he's ready to rock out with his cock out. full throttle. hard mode. balls to the floorboards
i respect that in a man
I am just fine, thanks.

I dont know how to troll, I only know how to speak the Truth.

I am unemployed right now, so I have all the time in the world to blog. But I do plan on going to truck driving school in the next few months, so I can get My CDL license and become a commercial truck driver.

Does that make Me a troll or delusional/retarded?


Yes actually, for thinking someone with your mental problems should EVER be behind the wheel of a 40+ton truck , let alone on public roads!! I can just imagine it now, you driving your lorry down the road, all of a sudden see one of your visions/aliens/whatever the fuck it is you reckon you see, start confirming to yourself in your own head that what you are seeing is real and that you are indeed christ and by the time you realise you are off in your own head n not paying attention to the road you have wiped out a whole line of traffic and multiple families.....

So yes, you are a fucking moron if you think going n getting your CDL is anywhere remotely close to a good idea until you have sorted out your mental problems