I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

Just because I have a long beard right now, it doesn't make Me a terrorist!

I can always just wear a goatee.

Sure, everyone with a long beard is a terrorist... whatever. Is that the stigma nowadays?

I have already provided a copious amount of evidence about Myself.

Do I even need to say more?

Its either that you have been following Me or you are lost, and you have no idea what I am talking about.

This thread is going to get very long, pay attention.

If you want to read about Me, go to the link below.


If you want to read about Me, go to the link above.

It might take you a few hours to read through all of that thread, but if you are interested in Christ, its worth the time to read and watch My videos.

This thread will be based off of the link below.


This thread will be based off of the link above.

Consider this thread a continuation of that link.

I will try and answer all of your question aboout Me- the Christ.

This thread is going to be about Me- the Christ.

Check out the link below, and read it till the end.


Check out the link above, and read it till the end.

Grab some popcorn, smoke a joint, and prepare to be entertained.

I am the Christ, this is a fact to Me. I am the Messiah, this is a fact to Me. I am the Savior, this is a fact to Me. I am a god, this is a fact to Me. I am the Lord, this is a fact to Me. I am the Chosen One, this is a fact to Me.

If you have some time to kill, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link below.


If you have some time, and you want to see what I am going to be debating about, check out the link above.

Try and disprove or debunk anything that I have said in that link.

This thread is going to get real long, take some notes, because I dont want to keep repeating Myself.

I love all of you guys.

I look forward to answering your questions. Remember, this thread is about Me- the Christ.

so are you my son ?
CAM00040.jpgI just took this picture about an hour ago.

Later today, I plan on cutting the sides of My beard, and wear a goatee.

I am sure that I will look a lot cleaner and better looking with a goatee.

But, yeah, thats a picture of Me on December 12, 2014.

You guys will see the before and after pictures.

CAM00042.jpgI just took this selfie picture today, on 12-13-14.

I told you guys I was whacking off My beard, and leaving the goatee.

What do you guys think? do I look better with a long beard, or a goatee?

I like the goatee much better. Plus, now I don't look like a terrorist.

trim the goatee shorter bro especially on the bottom, and that's probably your look. but for real why do you ask us so much what we think lol? do what you want....
My next discourse is a short story about a hypothetical scenario, when Christ George Manuel Oliveira is the King of the worlds, and the one world online government reigns.

It is the distant future, when everyone is a lot richer, because Christ has taught the masses His ways. Even the poorest people are making $1,000 a month, plus $500 worth of food stams per month, and the poorest people also have free apartments. The global online government dictated that every adult should get a $1,000 allowence (per month), plus $500 worth of food stamps per month; and anyone that makes less then $30 grand a year gets free housing. The crime rates are basically non existant, because everyone has their needs met, and Christ has taught people to love each other.

So there is an average working class family that has an underground abode, plus many other abodes. Most people love living underground because there are no mosquitoes or other bugs that bite you. People that live underground can always go to the surface any time they want, but they like living underground because its a controlled enviornment.

Many generations ago, Christ George gave the people the notion to live in all of the places that seemed impossible to live, because no one has ever lived there before. People found out that they can live in pyramid cities, inside of mountain cities, underground cities, floating on top of the ocean cities, underwater cities- inside the ocean cities, under the ocean floor cities, and cities in outer space. Many people in the middle class own an abode in all of these said locations.

So, an average middle class family is having a party to celebrate the prosperity that Christ has bestowed on the earth. Its Christ George Manuel Oliveiras birthday, and the whole world is having a party. Christ George died many AGEs ago, but Christ George is still remembered because of the world he imagined and created, through The_Word He spoke. Most people still adore Christ George, because Christ first loved the world, before His prophecies were accepted as the "God-Spell".

So one of the families are having a big party, but all of the families are having a big party, because its the Saviors birthday. This particular family lives about 1,000 feet underground, because the deeper underground you go, the cheaper the abodes become. This family owns many acres of land underground, like the average working class citizen does. Its always a pleasent temperture underground, because it is very insulated, and its easy to adjust the temperatures underground. This family owns a sauna and a steam room, because most families do. Also, most families own hot tubes and pools that are in their underground abode.

This family owns a 20 floor abode. Each floor is 10 feet tall. This family actually has an elevator, so they don't need to take the stairs. Some of the floors are dedicated towards farming, farming for plants and animals. All of their farms are 100% organic, because in the distant past, Christ Georges global online government passed a law that only organic fertilizers and nutrients can be sold. You will not find any chemical nutrients and fertilizers in the Kingdom of Christ, and the people all agree that organic is much better for the enviornment and their bodies.

One of their 20 floors are dedicated towards farming animals like cows, chickens, rabbits, ducks, pigs, goats, sheep, and any animal that they want. All of these animals have plenty of room and they roam freely. One of their 20 floors is dedicated towards growing plants for all of their animals. The animals always have more then enough food, and their bellies are always full. The animal farms are lit up by super bright LEDs, like most underground farms. Actually the vegetable farms are lit up by super bright LEDs too.

This family also owns an underground island, like most working class citizens do. This island is divided in half by a shallow fresh water sea, and the other half of the island is a salt water sea. Their island has many fruit trees. Their neighbors island is actually divided into quarters, fresh water, salt water, fresh water, salt water. But this family is content with their island being split in half with half of their island being fresh water, and the other half of their island being salt water.

The good thing about the salt water is that these people get to eat all of the salt water animals like the fish, lobsters, crabs, shellfish, and whatnot. The good thing about the fresh water is that they can water all of their farms, they have water for drinking, and they have fresh water to take showers in, plus their animals need to drink too. Whether it is the fresh water, or the salt water, its all organic and crystal clear, perfect for life. Sometimes this family likes to go scuba diving in the fresh water, and sometimes they like to go scuba diving in the salt water.

In the distant future, most people go scuba diving on a daily basis, because the water is everywhere. Now, people use "rebreathers", because thats all they sell at scuba diving shops. A "rebreather" is a scuba diving piece of equipment that takes out the CO2, and recirculates the oxygen back around, so you can go scuba diving all day on one little scuba tank. Everyone loves their rebreather. Technology has really reduced the price of rebreathers.

Since Christ came up with the notion to plumb the whole world with fresh water and salt water, the global online government dictated to implement Christ Georges notion. There are gigantic tunnels that connect all of the fresh water seas together, and all of the salt water seas are connected to the ocean, so all of the sea creatures can travel anywhere. Some scuba divers actually ride the current in these underground tunnels, and they can travel miles in one day by just riding the current. There are plenty of animals is these tunnels too. And every tunnel has a bridge on top, with fresh air, so even if you run out of oxygen in your scuba tank, you can walk on top of the water on an air bridge.

So, this family is having a glorious party. There is going to be organic wine, organic beer, organic filet mignon steaks, organic tuna fish, organic vegetables, organic cheese, organic lobsters, and many other foods. Most families now a days has their own personal gyms, so people can stay in shape. Most people are only eating organic food, and they get paid to stay heathy by their health insurance company, so they usually spend a few hours at their personal gym because they have more free time.

A grandfather and his grandson just caught some tuna fish, using a technique called "underwater fishing". Underwater fishing is like fishing but you're scuba diving and you see when the fish bites your bait, and you watch the fish the whole time, as you reel it in. These people will make sushi out of this tuna, for the party. They just need to collect a little more seaweed for the sushi. You can catch fish that weigh over 100 pounds while "underwater fishing", its actually an olympic sport in the future.

People still have smartphones in the future, but the smartphones are a lot smarter. Some people have actually implanted their smartphone into their head, but this is not recommended. It takes only a few seconds to charge up your smartphone in the future, you just need to add liquid hydrogen: but some smartphones have "super capacitors". This family is teaching their 4 year old how to use a smartphone. This family has 10 children, about the average size family in the future. Every child has their own 30 feet by 30 feet room, with screens on their walls and ceilings to watch TV, play on the internet, or whatever. I mean that their whole wall and ceiling are a screen to watch, LED screens are everywhere. But, if they want, this family owns their own movie theater to watch, and play on the internet; its a 40 feet wide and 20 feet tall wide screen.

There are endless miles of water tunnels, connecting all of the seas. People travel through these enormous tunnels with their SPACE JETS, underwater. If the SPACE JET didn't have GPS, it would be very easy to get lost in all of these undet***er tunnels. The SPACE JETS always know the quickest and most efficient way to go though. There are so many underwater tunnels, usually there isn't much traffic.

This family actually has an underwater club house for their children. Their children can watch all of the fish and sea life. Basically, its a big clear help plastic dome, underwater. This family has an underwater club house for the fresh water, and one for the salt water. The parents get to teach their children all of the different names of the sea creatures, its very educational for the children; they always learn a lot.

Sometimes the children like to switch from scuba diving from the fresh water to the salt water: all they need to do is climb a hemp ladder and switch it up, since half of their island is fresh water, and the other half is salt water. This family has fish farms in both sides of their island, fresh water fish farms, and salt water fish farms. This family never needs to go to the grocery store, they are self sufficient, and they are healthy.

Since Christ George made electricity free, because He built enough nuclear power plants, no one has any utility bills. People can save their money for more important things, besides utility bills. And since Christ George plumbed water all around every country, water has been free for ages too.

But the moral of the story is that everyone had a good time at the party, the Saviors birthday was celebrated. Everyone ate enough, and the adults got a little drunk too. All of the children enjoyed the party, and so did the adults. Christ Georges birthday has been celebrated for ages, its only natural.

My next discourse is a short story about a hypothetical scenario, when Christ George Manuel Oliveira is the King of the worlds, and the one world online government reigns.

It is the distant future, when everyone is a lot richer, because Christ has taught the masses His ways. Even the poorest people are making $1,000 a month, plus $500 worth of food stams per month, and the poorest people also have free apartments. The global online government dictated that every adult should get a $1,000 allowence (per month), plus $500 worth of food stamps per month; and anyone that makes less then $30 grand a year gets free housing. The crime rates are basically non existant, because everyone has their needs met, and Christ has taught people to love each other.

So there is an average working class family that has an underground abode, plus many other abodes. Most people love living underground because there are no mosquitoes or other bugs that bite you. People that live underground can always go to the surface any time they want, but they like living underground because its a controlled enviornment.

Many generations ago, Christ George gave the people the notion to live in all of the places that seemed impossible to live, because no one has ever lived there before. People found out that they can live in pyramid cities, inside of mountain cities, underground cities, floating on top of the ocean cities, underwater cities- inside the ocean cities, under the ocean floor cities, and cities in outer space. Many people in the middle class own an abode in all of these said locations.

So, an average middle class family is having a party to celebrate the prosperity that Christ has bestowed on the earth. Its Christ George Manuel Oliveiras birthday, and the whole world is having a party. Christ George died many AGEs ago, but Christ George is still remembered because of the world he imagined and created, through The_Word He spoke. Most people still adore Christ George, because Christ first loved the world, before His prophecies were accepted as the "God-Spell".

So one of the families are having a big party, but all of the families are having a big party, because its the Saviors birthday. This particular family lives about 1,000 feet underground, because the deeper underground you go, the cheaper the abodes become. This family owns many acres of land underground, like the average working class citizen does. Its always a pleasent temperture underground, because it is very insulated, and its easy to adjust the temperatures underground. This family owns a sauna and a steam room, because most families do. Also, most families own hot tubes and pools that are in their underground abode.

This family owns a 20 floor abode. Each floor is 10 feet tall. This family actually has an elevator, so they don't need to take the stairs. Some of the floors are dedicated towards farming, farming for plants and animals. All of their farms are 100% organic, because in the distant past, Christ Georges global online government passed a law that only organic fertilizers and nutrients can be sold. You will not find any chemical nutrients and fertilizers in the Kingdom of Christ, and the people all agree that organic is much better for the enviornment and their bodies.

One of their 20 floors are dedicated towards farming animals like cows, chickens, rabbits, ducks, pigs, goats, sheep, and any animal that they want. All of these animals have plenty of room and they roam freely. One of their 20 floors is dedicated towards growing plants for all of their animals. The animals always have more then enough food, and their bellies are always full. The animal farms are lit up by super bright LEDs, like most underground farms. Actually the vegetable farms are lit up by super bright LEDs too.

This family also owns an underground island, like most working class citizens do. This island is divided in half by a shallow fresh water sea, and the other half of the island is a salt water sea. Their island has many fruit trees. Their neighbors island is actually divided into quarters, fresh water, salt water, fresh water, salt water. But this family is content with their island being split in half with half of their island being fresh water, and the other half of their island being salt water.

The good thing about the salt water is that these people get to eat all of the salt water animals like the fish, lobsters, crabs, shellfish, and whatnot. The good thing about the fresh water is that they can water all of their farms, they have water for drinking, and they have fresh water to take showers in, plus their animals need to drink too. Whether it is the fresh water, or the salt water, its all organic and crystal clear, perfect for life. Sometimes this family likes to go scuba diving in the fresh water, and sometimes they like to go scuba diving in the salt water.

In the distant future, most people go scuba diving on a daily basis, because the water is everywhere. Now, people use "rebreathers", because thats all they sell at scuba diving shops. A "rebreather" is a scuba diving piece of equipment that takes out the CO2, and recirculates the oxygen back around, so you can go scuba diving all day on one little scuba tank. Everyone loves their rebreather. Technology has really reduced the price of rebreathers.

Since Christ came up with the notion to plumb the whole world with fresh water and salt water, the global online government dictated to implement Christ Georges notion. There are gigantic tunnels that connect all of the fresh water seas together, and all of the salt water seas are connected to the ocean, so all of the sea creatures can travel anywhere. Some scuba divers actually ride the current in these underground tunnels, and they can travel miles in one day by just riding the current. There are plenty of animals is these tunnels too. And every tunnel has a bridge on top, with fresh air, so even if you run out of oxygen in your scuba tank, you can walk on top of the water on an air bridge.

So, this family is having a glorious party. There is going to be organic wine, organic beer, organic filet mignon steaks, organic tuna fish, organic vegetables, organic cheese, organic lobsters, and many other foods. Most families now a days has their own personal gyms, so people can stay in shape. Most people are only eating organic food, and they get paid to stay heathy by their health insurance company, so they usually spend a few hours at their personal gym because they have more free time.

A grandfather and his grandson just caught some tuna fish, using a technique called "underwater fishing". Underwater fishing is like fishing but you're scuba diving and you see when the fish bites your bait, and you watch the fish the whole time, as you reel it in. These people will make sushi out of this tuna, for the party. They just need to collect a little more seaweed for the sushi. You can catch fish that weigh over 100 pounds while "underwater fishing", its actually an olympic sport in the future.

People still have smartphones in the future, but the smartphones are a lot smarter. Some people have actually implanted their smartphone into their head, but this is not recommended. It takes only a few seconds to charge up your smartphone in the future, you just need to add liquid hydrogen: but some smartphones have "super capacitors". This family is teaching their 4 year old how to use a smartphone. This family has 10 children, about the average size family in the future. Every child has their own 30 feet by 30 feet room, with screens on their walls and ceilings to watch TV, play on the internet, or whatever. I mean that their whole wall and ceiling are a screen to watch, LED screens are everywhere. But, if they want, this family owns their own movie theater to watch, and play on the internet; its a 40 feet wide and 20 feet tall wide screen.

There are endless miles of water tunnels, connecting all of the seas. People travel through these enormous tunnels with their SPACE JETS, underwater. If the SPACE JET didn't have GPS, it would be very easy to get lost in all of these undet***er tunnels. The SPACE JETS always know the quickest and most efficient way to go though. There are so many underwater tunnels, usually there isn't much traffic.

This family actually has an underwater club house for their children. Their children can watch all of the fish and sea life. Basically, its a big clear help plastic dome, underwater. This family has an underwater club house for the fresh water, and one for the salt water. The parents get to teach their children all of the different names of the sea creatures, its very educational for the children; they always learn a lot.

Sometimes the children like to switch from scuba diving from the fresh water to the salt water: all they need to do is climb a hemp ladder and switch it up, since half of their island is fresh water, and the other half is salt water. This family has fish farms in both sides of their island, fresh water fish farms, and salt water fish farms. This family never needs to go to the grocery store, they are self sufficient, and they are healthy.

Since Christ George made electricity free, because He built enough nuclear power plants, no one has any utility bills. People can save their money for more important things, besides utility bills. And since Christ George plumbed water all around every country, water has been free for ages too.

But the moral of the story is that everyone had a good time at the party, the Saviors birthday was celebrated. Everyone ate enough, and the adults got a little drunk too. All of the children enjoyed the party, and so did the adults. Christ Georges birthday has been celebrated for ages, its only natural.

this is fucking hilarious... "
This family owns a 20 floor abode. Each floor is 10 feet tall. This family actually has an elevator, so they don't need to take the stairs. Some of the floors are dedicated towards farming, farming for plants and animals. All of their farms are 100% organic, because in the distant past, Christ Georges global online government passed a law that only organic fertilizers and nutrients can be sold. You will not find any chemical nutrients and fertilizers in the Kingdom of Christ, and the people all agree that organic is much better for the enviornment and their bodies.
One of their 20 floors are dedicated towards farming animals like cows, chickens, rabbits, ducks, pigs, goats, sheep, and any animal that they want. All of these animals have plenty of room and they roam freely. One of their 20 floors is dedicated towards growing plants for all of their animals. The animals always have more then enough food, and their bellies are always full. The animal farms are lit up by super bright LEDs, like most underground farms. Actually the vegetable farms are lit up by super bright LEDs too. "