I Amazed


Well-Known Member
:shock:I had basicly said screw it..the cat won't leave my plants alone, but after looking at some of the aerogarden grows here..I'm stoked. The cat has got to move her ass out. I've seen some truely amazeing pictures here, and some knowledgeable peeps...germinateing starts NOW..


There's treachery afoot
You go gurl! K
Kick that kitty out and reclaim your territory..........
maybe you could hire the cat to help you water...
or start her a little catnip patch in your grow so she/he will stay out of your plants.:mrgreen:
Baaaad kitty......


Well-Known Member
if for some reason you dont want to get rid of your cat and want to sell that aerogarden let me know. ill buy it off ya.


Well-Known Member
My cat is like that around my plants, isn't there some kind of spice or herb that will keep them out of the garden?


Well-Known Member
I dunno..even when I had the actual herbs growing in this thing..i started a few plants along with them she only ate the maryjane ?????? go figure.


Well-Known Member
aerogrow.com makes a spray to keep animals especially cats out. its like 20 bucks . it has a mixture of black pepper and some other stuff in it.


Well-Known Member
Be careful because cats and doggies are cute but they can bring bugs in. I think my cats gave me spidermites once. I donno could have been the dirty hippie that I let look at my plants..