I applied for Obamacare here are the results

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Why would anyone pay you to teach your kids to be as smart as you?

If my kids test better than average, why shouldn't I get the cost it would cost the government plus the percentage more? If they test lower, I'll pay the penalty for my stupidity. That's the chance I take.
Why dont you go to the website and copy and paste the numbers you come up with?

Uh, I dont think you correctly comprehended what I was saying....

That price is the same price as someone who is 27 years old and smokes as well....

The price doesn't change, unless you are 1. a non-smoker or 2. you get a federal credit.

A 400 dollar policy is a 400 dollar policy, age and health does NOT factor into it.

Just so you know, I am ENROLLED AND PAID for through the AHCA...
I am not making it up, I am one of the very very very few in the entire country who not only has enrolled but PAID my premiums.
Uh, I dont think you correctly comprehended what I was saying....

That price is the same price as someone who is 27 years old and smokes as well....

The price doesn't change, unless you are 1. a non-smoker or 2. you get a federal credit.

A 400 dollar policy is a 400 dollar policy, age and health does NOT factor into it.

Just so you know, I am ENROLLED AND PAID for through the AHCA...
I am not making it up, I am one of the very very very few in the entire country who not only has enrolled but PAID my premiums.

Then go to the website and copy and paste your plan here
I wish I could go and change my age so I could compare to what a 27 year old will pay.
Website doesnt allow it

It is the same price... That is how it works. The 27 year old pays 400 bucks so the 60 year old can also pay 400 bucks.

Last year the 27 year old would pay 100 bucks and the 60 year old would be paying 800 bucks.
Then go to the website and copy and paste your plan here

Ok, afterwards do you give me a blowjob?

Wtf are you trying to accuse me of lying?
Don't be a dolt.

I am signed up and paid through Ambetter Health from Magnolia.

I most certainly will not be copy-pasting my information for proof.

If you had actually SIGNED up and not just checked out the site you would know your personal info is all over the plans.
Oh and by the way, once you sign up for the insurance plan, you deal with the insurance company. I am past the government website, well past that site.
I have my own insurance and didn't use their billions of dollars website. Since the Supreme Court calls it ObamaTax, shouldn't I get a rebate?
You can still log on and get the plans

I actually just tried for the hell of it and couldn't get logged in. Oh well it damn sure isnt worth the trouble..

Ambetter Silver 5 + vision is my plan

0- deductible
2250 max out of pocket payment
10 co-pay specialist and primary care
10 generic
20 preferred non-generic
40 non-preferred non-generic


It is great insurance in my opinion.

My biggest problem was there was no doctor within 52 miles of where I live that would take it.
Even then it was a "free-clinic"....

After a couple of weeks of dealing with the insurance, last week they finally worked it out with a doctor's office 8 miles from my house.

I already have an appointment set for January 6th at 8 am.
I actually just tried for the hell of it and couldn't get logged in. Oh well it damn sure isnt worth the trouble..

Ambetter Silver 5 + vision is my plan

0- deductible
2250 max out of pocket payment
10 co-pay specialist and primary care
10 generic
20 preferred non-generic
40 non-preferred non-generic


It is great insurance in my opinion.

My biggest problem was there was no doctor within 52 miles of where I live that would take it.
Even then it was a "free-clinic"....

After a couple of weeks of dealing with the insurance, last week they finally worked it out with a doctor's office 8 miles from my house.

I already have an appointment set for January 6th at 8 am.

Glad to hear ObamaTax is working out for you. It only cost billions for us tax payers. You're welcome.
Glad to hear ObamaTax is working out for you. It only cost billions for us tax payers. You're welcome.

It isn't my fault bro....

I have been working since I was 14 years old, paying into the system all along.
If anyone in the world fucking deserves something back, you are talking to him.

When you have been paying taxes into the system as long as I have, come talk to me then.
Ambetter Silver 5 + Vision Coverage Period:
Summary of Benefits and Coverage: What this Plan Covers & What it Costs Coverage for: Individual/Family | Plan Type:HMO
Questions: Call 877-687-1187, TTY/TDD 877-941-9235 or visit us at http://ambetter.magnolia healthplan.com/.
If you aren't clear about any of the underlined terms used in this form, see the Glossary. You can view the Glossary at
www.cciio.cms.gov or call 877-687-1187, TTY/TDD 877-941-9235 to request a copy.
1 of 8
This is only a summary. If you want more detail about your coverage and costs, you can get the complete terms in the policy or
plan document at http://ambetter.magnolia healthplan.com/ or by calling 877-687-1187, TTY/TDD 877-941-9235
Important Questions Answers Why this Matters:
What is the overall
deductible? $0 See the chart starting on page 2 for your costs for services this plan covers.
Are there other
deductibles for specific
No You don’t have to meet deductibles for specific services, but see the chart starting on
page 2 for other costs for services this plan covers.
Is there an out-ofpocket-
limit on my
Yes, for in-network providers
$2,250 individual/$4,500 family.
No, for out-of-network providers.
The out-of-pocket limit is the most you could pay during a coverage period (usually one
year) for your share of the cost of covered services. This limit helps you plan for health
care expenses.
What is not included in
the out-of-pocket limit?
Premiums, balance-billed charges,
and out-of-network services this
plan doesn't cover.
Even though you pay these expenses, they don’t count toward the out-of-pocket limit.
Is there an overall
annual limit on what the
plan pays?
No The chart starting on page 2 describes any limits on what the plan will pay for specific
covered services, such as office visits.
Does this plan use a
network of providers?
Yes. See http://ambetter.
findadoc or call 1-877-687-1187
for a list of participating
If you use an in-network doctor or other health care provider, this plan will pay some or
all of the costs of covered services. Be aware, your in-network doctor or hospital may use
an out-of-network provider for some services. Plans use the term in-network, preferred,
or participating for providers in their network. See the chart starting on page 2 for how
this plan pays different kinds of providers.
Do I need a referral to
see a specialist?
No, you don't need a referral to
see a specialist. You can see the specialist you choose without permission from this plan.
Are there services this
plan doesn’t cover? Yes Some of the services this plan doesn't cover are listed on page 5. See your policy or
plan document for additional information about excluded services.

That is from the downloadable PDF they sent me from the insurance company.
I have my own insurance and didn't use their billions of dollars website. Since the Supreme Court calls it ObamaTax, shouldn't I get a rebate?

I didn't use the state exchange or the federal exchange. I just walked into an Ins office in town and it took five minutes.. The state was counting on me being in the exchange and didn't give me any info when I called them about signing up on my own. Everything was about a 19 page info grab on your income and family and friends...I didn't have to give any info other than my SSN and basic info...People that don't file there tax's are probably screwed...
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