I assume somethings wrong?


Active Member
This is my first seedling in a cup of fox farms light warrior with a little added mycorhizae.
Only watering with a 50/50 RO/tap water mix, but not measuring pH.
It first sprouted upside down, with the root peeking out of the soil. I carefully dug it up and flipped it around and it looked like this:

2 Days later, it looked like this:

6 Days later, starting to see some strangeness in that top leaf:
Today (10 days since sprout):
View attachment 3002573View attachment 3002574View attachment 3002575
I notice a slight yellowing in just one of the first fan leaves, but all of the leaves are starting to look weird in general (to me).
I have another seedling which started 3-4 days later than this one and seems to be catching up, and it looks perfectly symmetrical.
Is there something wrong? :confused:


Well-Known Member
Could be root damage or could be the FFLW as many potting soils are too hot for seedlings. I would suggest using a good seed starting medium with your seeds next time. :weed:


Active Member
Light warrior labels itself as a seed starter-i thought it would be fine. I know FFOF can be too hot though... hmm..


Well-Known Member
Just carry on growing it should all be good, happened with a few of my seedlings and it was all OK; once you get another set of leaves a couple of the old ones will die but other than that you are good.


Well-Known Member
what you are seeing there is nutrient burn. So yes that soil is a bit too hot for the baby seedling. But it's probably best to just let it grow because in a very short time the plant will be big enough to handle the concentration of nutrients in the soil.


Active Member
Here's an update guys... It's really starting to scare me a little bit... Does it look to you like the death is beating the growth? Even my healthy/symmetrical one is quickly starting to show....20140226_200457.jpg20140226_200434.jpg20140226_200411.jpg20140226_200408.jpg


Well-Known Member
The color in the pic seems too yellow. What kind of light is it under? You definitely got some nute burn going there, Probably not fatal. I had the same problem when I grew in FFLW.


Active Member
Lol it's not over-watered...I don't know why woody insists that. I am very cautious about watering. If anything, i under water. But I think nute burn or water pH is most likely... I will get better pics in a sec.