I ate 6 Firecracks with 1 gram in each cracker and dont feel shit


Active Member
I'm 155lb male under 6ft
medium tolerance to weed smoke
none to edibles (I dont eat them much)

had brownies a few years ago had me rolling
had a good firecracker last year almost had me sweating

this time nothing
good weed (Critical Kush from BF)
normally a bowl of a gram gets me cooked when smoked


Well-Known Member
You need to convert the THCA into THC, to do this you need to heat your sample to about 150 -200 degrees for about an hour. this is why eating Brownies will get you high, but eating raw pot wont do anything to you.


Well-Known Member
You need to convert the THCA into THC, to do this you need to heat your sample to about 150 -200 degrees for about an hour. this is why eating Brownies will get you high, but eating raw pot wont do anything to you.
275 for 10 mins to decarb btw :eyesmoke:

EDIT: 4:20


Well-Known Member
I honestly think it don't works for some people I put 1/8th in 3 firecrackers last year I ate two friend ate one
He ended up passing outiI felt nothing.
Same with brownies everyone else ate 1-2 I ate 5 on top of smoking a blunt and the brownies did nothing (to me)
So yeah I think it depends on person


Well-Known Member
It's all about how the edibles are made.

Also if you don't feel anything try eating a little something for a snack.

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Yeah, edibles don't work for some people, I had a good lol.

I was singing that tune back in the day, till they did work and I ended up the highest I'd ever been in my life for half a day. Got so ripped I had a bit of a freakout and was debating calling for an ambulance. Turned out I was just having a reefer induced panic attack.

All in the preparation.

The end.


Well-Known Member
"I think we're dead"
Old but classic.