i believe that i over fertilized this bad boy lol

alright this guy is just over 2 weeks old and 3 days ago i put a small amount of fertilizer in because the leaves were slightly goin yellow. now there yellow as fuck and alot of the bottom half of the main stem are going yellow. any input on what this could be? i dont know an insane amount about nutes and this is one of my first plants.



Well-Known Member
They really don't look that yellow. The burn does look like nute burn, but is very minimal. Your plant looks relatively fine to me.

Styles T

Active Member
Yep you have a lil nute burn on some of the leaves but not bad as Scrog mentioned. The very bottom leaves(which are the worst) is ok as they are expected to fall 0r break off. What kind and how much fertilizer did you use and pls do mention type of soil your using as well?? Very lovely foliage by the way which makes it hard to believe that this is a lil over two wk's. I thght I had gd foliage-https://www.rollitup.org/introduce-yourself/522069-1st-grow-check-out.html But yours is monsterous! Pls do continue to update as I am curious to see how they will turn out. What strain is this by the way, if ya know?


Well-Known Member
You may have fertilized too early as most plants need no nutrients/fertilizer for the first month.

What soil did you start with?
Check to see if it has added nutrients/fertilizer as this could of caused the yellowing tips on the leaves.
Miracle Gro ( or similar products ) is not a good soil to start with.
Miracle Gro Seed Starting Potting Mix has low added MicroMax nutrients ( .05 - .05 - .05 ) and has added plant food.

Watch the new growth for plant health, not necessarily the old growth.
Continue to water without nutes/ferts for a couple weeks, then transplant from the cup.
Allow the soil to dry between watering, the roots need air also.

Welcome to RIU! :blsmoke:
alright so i got some more pics this morning, the leaves have slightly yellowed more but not much. its under 24h light, 400w MH, which i switch from two 13w cfls a few days ago. its a durban poison strain, i didnt read to much into growing before just jumping in lol so i used mirclegrow potting soil, and when i used fert it was mirclegrow 24-8-16, i mixed it to what the package had said to.


Styles T

Active Member
MircleGrow 24-8-16(too early)? Dizam! I read that 24hrs of light on the plant will help it to grow 33% faster than a cycle of 18/6 so, that explains why your plants are growing so fast. I was thinking of switching the cycle to 24hrs but, I personally feel bad just thinking of the heat the plant will be getting. I mean, it's a living thing-would you want to be under a light all day, Hell No!!! Especially Metal Halide, those things get HOT! I have one in my guest restroom. I mainly place under a fluorescent light but sometimes place it under the M.Halide for an hour two everyday and give it a Sun bathe Once a week, twice if lucky! Well, keep on updating so we can see how they do...

Styles T

Active Member
Honestly, your plants don't look too happy in my opinion. The growth is exceptional but your foliage(leaves) look's like they are tired of being under the light. I believe you should allow them to Photosynth, giving them a little darkness so that they can take a break and cheer up. That just sounds like common-sense to me but what do I know, I'm new to this, right!


Well-Known Member
I have had my plants under 24/7 6500k lights since they were clones with no problems besides ones I caused. You dont need to cut down on light unless you are flowering IMO. I still have rigorous growth and its almost 2 months since I started mine.


Well-Known Member
You can cut off the leaves at this point without problems.
My preference would be to not cut anything.

Check this out it may help you. :bigjoint:


Active Member
Until the leaves come off pretty much when you grab onto them, leave them alone!(no pun intended!)

The plants can/will use those leaves until the very end to some point! With a plant that small, the more the merrier!
well as the title states im wondering if i should fim today? or should i wait a few days for the next node to come up? ive never fim'd or topped a plant haha this is the first one ive ever grown. any input on the bes way to do it?

