I believe this is ready to start flushing!!!


Active Member
Ok so I am in week 7 and as of yesturday I didnt see any amber trichs. But I look today and BAM!!!!! it looks to be already 50%+. I stuck my microscope to the lady and got blasted with yellow so I checked a couple other plants and the same. What I would call the "hairs" at the base looks like they are swollen which I remember reading somewhere that was a tell tell sign that shes ready. So Im going to start my flush now. Any suggestions would be great!!! I also know that if you wait to long to harvest via to much amber your crop will pretty much be ruined??? So here are some pics let me know if you need something better. Thanks 2012-06-11_23-06-30_743.jpg2012-06-12_16-01-38_705.jpg2012-06-12_16-01-53_803.jpg2012-06-12_16-02-04_796.jpg2012-06-12_16-02-13_225.jpg2012-06-12_16-02-20_271.jpg2012-06-12_16-02-26_930.jpg2012-06-12_16-04-21_952.jpg2012-06-12_16-04-56_849.jpg2012-06-13_16-54-48_789.jpg2012-06-13_16-55-46_374.jpg2012-06-13_16-56-21_755.jpg2012-06-13_16-56-33_211.jpg2012-06-13_16-57-58_4.jpg2012-06-11_23-06-51_935.jpg2012-06-11_23-07-08_104.jpg2012-06-11_23-07-28_539.jpg


Well-Known Member
those knuckles mean nothing they swell due to weight....if you have 50 percent amber i would harvest now maybe flush it once and give a day or two dark if anything....you dont actually need to flush to get good pot what you do need to do is cure properly!!


Active Member
Ok thanks I am starting ther flush I will watch it closely and see what happens what will happen if shes overdone via to much amber??


Well-Known Member
did you other two ppl read the part where he said hes 50 percent amber already?? well anyway too much amber is a sign of the thc starting to degrade and will impede the high at a certain point but 50/50 your still fine because when the thc degrades it causes a terpene profile change and gives you a slightly different all around high which can be good....just watch it because after amber is severe degredation and not good


Well-Known Member
oh and btw just based on pics without taking into account that you claim its already at 50 % id have to agree with them it does appear to need more time by the pics....


Active Member
I wasnt content with the 50% amber myself couldnt believe that it could jump that fast. So I went ahead and cut a piece of the sugar leaf off a couple ladies and I was wrong must have been a reflection from the hps or something because when I got them out in the clear they are milky white with no amber which acctually make me happy because I havent started to flush yet. So with this being the case Im agreeing with everyone as of 2 weeks left to go that would put me right back on schedule as its suppose to be. So I should start the flush anyday now correct, to get my 2 week flush?


Well-Known Member
ya if you want to flush for two weeks go ahead....but its unecesary and controversial, i flush for about ten days in chem ferts and not at all in organic as flushing organic soil is near imposible...


Well-Known Member
I'd wait until next weekend ( not this weekend ) to start flushing if you must flush.

I'm not a big proponent of flushing, but to each his own. I have a problem depriving plants of food when they need it most.


Active Member
you sure you are looking at the trichs? It looks to me like u got at LEAST 2-3 weeks.
Yes Im sure I was looking at trichs came to the conclusion that is was a casting from my hps because I cut off some leaves and took them outta the GR. As far as the flushing goes Im going to just do a 2-3 flush due to build up and then go back to the regular schedule, just got done reading a really good thread here that kinda moved me in the non-flush side. Gotta love all the info you can find but as of most you read this one was back with solid facts.


Active Member
no just going to flush for a couple hours then water then probably another round of mild nutes then water then chop that should be two more weeks


Well-Known Member
they will get much more dense if you wait another few days, then flush it, then starve it for a week...always starve before you harvest


Active Member
I was just getting really bad build up that my drip ring wasnt dripping anymore so the "flush" was an hour long more or less just a rez clean. What i plan to do for my flush after reading some really good info is only flush the last few day before harvest and running straight water a week prior to that. So everyone is saying i have two weeks left so in three days imma run another round of nutes then striaght water then flush and chop i believe everything will be ready by then ya reckon