I bet you've never seen ganja like this!



At the moment there are small buds literally covering the plants. And there is NO smell! I cannot believe it. There are no trichomes on the leaves or stems either - and unlike regular cannabis where the stem is rough in veg - these stems are smooth as ice and shiny. Did you know its a long story but I only realised it myself that this was cannabis a few days ago and I've been taking photos like crazy to document the grow. It's a real shame you couldn't see them when they were younger.

I've missed a lot of photo ops thinking they were just lettuce or some crazy shit.

But, as soon as I seen the buds growing - I remembered that packet of lowryder x duckfoot I bought back in 08! It must have got thrown outside during the bag seed grow that was unsuccessful.

I also have cheese x NYCD growing in teh greenhouse. Now THAT is one potent plant. Not like this lowryder stuff.

Did you know I bought ONE seed of Cheese x NYCD for £8 + P&P - and it damn well germed didn't it? Haha. It is a fem as well - oh did I mention the duckfoot x lowryder were also fem seeds too?

Yeah - an all female grow.


Oh, I want to ask - is it o.k. to document the remaining season here at rollitup?

I'm thinking of taking the LR x DF until Sept 15th - way past its sell by date for a blonde effect of the buds. I know poppies turn blonde during sept time and I'm thinking this stuff will as well.


Well-Known Member

At the moment there are small buds literally covering the plants. And there is NO smell! I cannot believe it. There are no trichomes on the leaves or stems either - and unlike regular cannabis where the stem is rough in veg - these stems are smooth as ice and shiny. Did you know its a long story but I only realised it myself that this was cannabis a few days ago and I've been taking photos like crazy to document the grow. It's a real shame you couldn't see them when they were younger.

I've missed a lot of photo ops thinking they were just lettuce or some crazy shit.

But, as soon as I seen the buds growing - I remembered that packet of lowryder x duckfoot I bought back in 08! It must have got thrown outside during the bag seed grow that was unsuccessful.

I also have cheese x NYCD growing in teh greenhouse. Now THAT is one potent plant. Not like this lowryder stuff.

Did you know I bought ONE seed of Cheese x NYCD for £8 + P&P - and it damn well germed didn't it? Haha. It is a fem as well - oh did I mention the duckfoot x lowryder were also fem seeds too?

Yeah - an all female grow.
You have left me confused mate. You say "I only realised it myself that this was cannabis a few days ago" and then you say "the duckfoot x lowryder were also fem seeds too" - my question is, what did you think they were when you germinated and planted them if they had come from a cannabis seed company?
Very interesting looking plants. If they are what is claimed then I have some nice mischievous ideas as to where I could plant some :P



Well-Known Member
link me to the breeder info please? Never heard of duckworth pot before. Like to know more.

here's a pic of my garden too.. it's totally stealth..
first pic is of the greenhouse far back.. looks like lettuce right??? wrong!! I included a super close up pic of what's under the "lettuce leaves"...

Edit:for the record, I think you're full of poo.. but I welcome the opportunity to be schooled today...


Well-Known Member
link me to the breeder info please? Never heard of duckworth pot before. Like to know more.

here's a pic of my garden too.. it's totally stealth..
first pic is of the greenhouse far back.. looks like lettuce right??? wrong!! I included a super close up pic of what's under the "lettuce leaves"...

Edit:for the record, I think you're full of poo.. but I welcome the opportunity to be schooled today...
it's an aussie landrace strain. so called i believe because of the webbed leaves. I've seen this before, but it didn't interest me enough to want to get some. i think it may not be very potent but has excellent disease resistance. which isn';t anything special in a landrace anyway i suppose. they're all pretty good at disease resistance.


Active Member
link me to the breeder info please? Never heard of duckworth pot before. Like to know more.

here's a pic of my garden too.. it's totally stealth..
first pic is of the greenhouse far back.. looks like lettuce right??? wrong!! I included a super close up pic of what's under the "lettuce leaves"...

Edit:for the record, I think you're full of poo.. but I welcome the opportunity to be schooled today...
How is this done? What seeds do i need to get? im tired of the bugs in my closet..ready to plant some "lettuce" right on the sidewalk...


I'm not here to argue whether this is duckfoot or not. That is what I purchased from everyonedoesit.com back in 08 and this is what is growing right now.


I also have some Cheese x NYCD in the greenhouse.

I'll be documenting the grow here since no one bothered to answer that question.

Also, you'll see the top cola develop too. If you look at the top cola on page two it looks nothing like basil.

I also agree that I've never seen a duckfoot like these - this is something special. It's such a shame that I cannot take cuttings (Lowryder autoflower) or pollinate them (already budding) - My advice - check out the seedbank for more great strains!


Well-Known Member
You have left me confused mate. You say "I only realised it myself that this was cannabis a few days ago" and then you say "the duckfoot x lowryder were also fem seeds too" - my question is, what did you think they were when you germinated and planted them if they had come from a cannabis seed company?
Very interesting looking plants. If they are what is claimed then I have some nice mischievous ideas as to where I could plant some :P

An answer to this question would help quiet my cynical mind.

Brick Top

New Member

At the moment there are small buds literally covering the plants. And there is NO smell! I cannot believe it. There are no trichomes on the leaves or stems either -
There are no trichomes at all, anywhere? Are you absolutely positive because regardless of it the plant is cannabis or basil it should still have trichomes? Most plants have trichomes and as I said be it duckfoot cannabis or a duckfoot cross or basil the plant should have trichomes.

I only ask because if you were correct about the plant not having trichomes then you have to be in error about what the plant actually is. If there are trichomes then you might be accurate about what the plant actually is and were only in error about there not being any trichomes.

Epidermal Cell Types. Epidermal cells are the most common cell type in the epidermis. These cells are often called "pavement cells" because they are flat polygonal cells that form a continuous layer, with no spaces between individual cells. Epidermal cells secrete the waxy hydrophobic substance cutin that polymerizes on the surface, forming a barrier to water evaporation. Epidermal cells are transparent because their plastids remain small and undifferentiated; hence light readily penetrates through to the photosynthetic tissues beneath the epidermis.

Two more specialized cell types are also found in the epidermis: guard cells and trichomes. Guard cells are kidney-shaped cells that are filled with chloroplasts. They always occur in pairs and form a small pore between them. The pair of guard cells and their pore is called a stomate and functions in gas exchange. Typically, the guard cells open the pore during daylight hours to allow CO 2 to diffuse into the photosynthetic tissues below. At night, however, the guard cells close the pore, preventing the diffusion of water vapor from internal tissues. The green chloroplasts of the guard cells function to provide the energy that fuels the opening and closing process.