I broke the stem of a seedling what should I do?


Active Member
ok so you broke it, as long as its still attached it can recover. however that is very stretched seedling and should be much bigger for 2 weeks, you need more light on that baby or it will die no matter how much wire you put round it


also bein so young and stretched like that i hate to be the bearer of bad news but i think shes done for, when seedlings are that young they usually cant survive that type of trauma, its like the differencebetween dropping a newbord baby or a 3 year old, the newborn most likley will be deeply affected.


Well-Known Member
they could be true id put it in a bigger pot cover the trama spot an say a prayer
chances are against you but not much else i can think of
you have heard enough negative


Active Member
It is a weed and fairly resistant. I think you will be alright. It will stunt it's growth bit but I wouldn't worry. It doesn't look that bad.


Active Member
I once dropped a small pot with a 3 day old seedling, it and the dirt spilled out all over the floor. Mind you it didn't break but the whole seedling and tap root completely separated from the soil. I placed it back in the pot, covered the root up with dirt and 35 days later she's a monster indica with leaves as big as my head.


i put a straw around her. hope this works. About the lighting im using CLF Philips 60w 6500k its about 1ft from the top of plant. I use a light meter it reads 3500-3700 lux (I was told 4000 lux is the max seedling can handle). I also have a 400w Mercury vaper should I turn it on? I was going to wait until next leafs to be born before going into vegetation lights.

right after I got the plants out of the incubator I had some heat issue. The room was as hot as 87f. Today the room is at 72 - 78f. I was thinking that the stretched growth was from to much heat.


Active Member
well as close as possible without scorching the plant, test the distance with your hand and if you think it's too hot for your plant you're probably right. if the seedling keeps stretching maybe try the 400w. it may be a waste but im sure 400w is more than enough


New Member
I kind of did the samd thing with mine, but i cut the stem COMPLETELY putting a paper plate around it. Suprisingly, it lived due to the ONE fan leaf it had still attached and is now the most healthy plant in the crop. I think youll be fine. You may want to double up on the light though. I had 2 45w cfls per plant. Just water, no nutes. Just let her do her thing and she should be ok. Also, keep the light about 2-3 inches over the leaves. Its stretching alot to reach the light. Cfls dont get that hot so youll do ok.