I built my first grow box with pics, Tell me what you think.

Total cost. 0.00$
Used a cpu fan
3 extra sockets around the house
1 guitar amp box
3 25 watt 2700k cfls(gonna get 2 43w 5200k cfls and use 1 25 2700 and 2 5200k for veg stage and 2 25w 2700 and 1 43 5200 for flowering stage)
I also have the extra flourecent tube 14w
I also spray painted the background with some silver metallic paint,

pics below
its pretty ghetto but im hopein to get 2 plants growin in it

What do you guys think?:joint:



Well-Known Member
matte white is best bro! (actualy mylar is best ) i think u might need more cfl's!
can you adjust those bulbs to get closer to ur plants?


Active Member
matte white is best bro! (actualy mylar is best ) i think u might need more cfl's!
can you adjust those bulbs to get closer to ur plants?
That's what peopple keep saying - white is best

But I am getting an alot brighter grow room with using special heat reflecting foil used under wood in saunas.
matte white is best bro! (actualy mylar is best ) i think u might need more cfl's!
can you adjust those bulbs to get closer to ur plants?
Yeah i can move em, You dont think 3 and the tube is enough? I only wanna grow 2 plants(i dont think theres enough room for more but im not sure how much a plant needs)How much better yield would i see with 4?(not looking for something exact just your best guess).:joint:


Well-Known Member
That's what peopple keep saying - white is best

But I am getting an alot brighter grow room with using special heat reflecting foil used under wood in saunas.
You are using Mylar, right?

White paint is the next best thing.

The box looks good. Again you really should get more lights. What you have might be good for the first week or two but after that they will want more light.

Be careful watering. cardboard probably won't hold up to long.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Not to bad for the price :)

The only suggestions I can make are already made so far. You need more light, I would say about double the wattage at the very least. Also, I would get some kind of tray for under the pots. The run off will kill your box
You are using Mylar, right?

White paint is the next best thing.

The box looks good. Again you really should get more lights. What you have might be good for the first week or two but after that they will want more light.

Be careful watering. cardboard probably won't hold up to long.:peace:

Whats mylar? So i wont be able to get the plants to bud off that? If i read right about 60 lumens per watt with flourecent i should have a couple hundred over 5000.


Active Member
i've got 2 plants about a week away from harvest that are doing pretty damn good and i have 4 26 watters, so i think for the lighting you shouldn't be too off. my major concern is the height of the box. i started 12/12 lighting at about 12 in and they're now about 3ft. you're gunna have to go to 12/12 real early depending on your height restrictions. also, since it doesn't look like you can move the lights, try to put the pots up on something to keep em as close as possible to the lights to avoid any stretching.


Active Member
That's what peopple keep saying - white is best

But I am getting an alot brighter grow room with using special heat reflecting foil used under wood in saunas.
BRO that heat reflecting foil will cause u hot spots,,,try 2 get that mylar or paint it white,,once u do that u shouldn't have a prob getting 2 in there.....GOOD LUCK AND WELCOME TO THE ART:peace::peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
IDK, man that is dangerous! why not spend just a couple bucks and use tubs instead....I WOULD NOT EVER grow in cardboard..:fire::fire::fire:



Active Member
How much yeild could i see from this setup with a single plant? And how long do you think before i could get a harvest?
BRO its like MEX said its all in ur strain...dont stress ur self about how much ur gonna yield, but remember "less is better RITE now"{not ur bud}but meaning the less u do to ur babies the better off ur gonna b,,in the beginning...try 2 get some more light in there...u can load up on cfls in that space,,jus keep in mind its only 2 plants............{{{do research on ur strain too}}}}}}}:peace::peace::peace::peace:


Active Member
IDK, man that is dangerous! why not spend just a couple bucks and use tubs instead....I WOULD NOT EVER grow in cardboard..:fire::fire::fire:


wait cardboard????????woooooe i must of missed that part..scratch cramming all them lights in there...i thought u said it was in a amp boxxx???
Id love to be able to put some more lights in there but im broke for cash for a while, so what i got is what i got. i guess if no one thinks i can get two plants outta it ill just try for one. Im gonna just use some reg seeds i got for now. (Ill move to chronic when i can afford a better system.

Any other ideas on what i can make it out of

(Like a lexon tub?)


Active Member
Id love to be able to put some more lights in there but im broke for cash for a while, so what i got is what i got. i guess if no one thinks i can get two plants outta it ill just try for one. Im gonna just use some reg seeds i got for now. (Ill move to chronic when i can afford a better system.

Any other ideas on what i can make it out of

(Like a lexon tub?)
Dude, I think your good to go. The cardboard is a little shady...if you can just leave it open that would probably be better. Check out my grow...I had 4 plants growing good for a little with only 2 26watt 6500K cfls. i would say start with those two and when you can determine sex get rid of one of em. i had four plants and two turned out male. it would suck to have one plant growing and it end up a male. i'm gunna update my album later today with what my bud looks like now.

