I came for all the good Biden posts

You get the sense of it. I had already been more than a week out in the wilderness. I was hiking through a lush, wooded valley with little sign of the modern world and in a place where it did not belong, with no sign of how it got there, was this empty can of pop. Yes, it was outrageous that anybody would just drop their trash like that. It was also such a strange thing to see.

I get the sense that you don't get the sense of what I'm getting at
Biden is far from president.

I bet you believe in the Easter bunny
lmao yeah because they let just any dick into the white house and AF1, on and on.

Nice troll though. Besides this big lie, which is the ones you fall for. Or are you going to pretend that you believe all the lies so that you can advertise for the different sub-cults?