I can see roots after i water


Well-Known Member
should i add perlite or would it be a waste. They drink three times a week and i can see roots after i water. Anyone have this problem before?


Well-Known Member
that was a bit vague...

what do you mean you see roots? on the top or the bottom?
are they root bound?
what's your growing media and pot size?


Well-Known Member
I think he means when he waters, where the stem turns into roots shows a little bit. Ive had this happen and all I did was just add more soil to the top.

Truth B Known

Active Member
i don't think you should water 3 times a week, more like 2 times a week, or 3 times in 2 weeks.. when you water to much the roots get comfortable, when you let the soil dry up some they fight and reach for the water and get stronger.. just 2 cents for ya..


Well-Known Member
i don't think you should water 3 times a week, more like 2 times a week, or 3 times in 2 weeks.. when you water to much the roots get comfortable, when you let the soil dry up some they fight and reach for the water and get stronger.. just 2 cents for ya..

what if his soil drys out and needs watering three times aday..you dont know his environment or variables.. i grew in a gallon pot outside...i had to water twice a day..


Well-Known Member
you mean he just dumps in water on the plant and displaces soil from around the stem?
Ya ive found that a good mix of perlite does this. As I water the soil, the soil "settles" and causes the top of the root structure to expose itself a little bit. It gives a good place for gnats to breed.... there is a particular species of gnat that feeds on the root structure. I just add a nice little top layer of soil when this happens..... easy fix bud.


Well-Known Member
i don't think you should water 3 times a week, more like 2 times a week, or 3 times in 2 weeks.. when you water to much the roots get comfortable, when you let the soil dry up some they fight and reach for the water and get stronger.. just 2 cents for ya..
I water when they are dry which is every 3 days. Feed once and water once. You dont get to pick when they need water. But you do get to pick pot size. My temps are 31c directly under the lights and in the rest of the room its 22-26c. co2 is 1500-2000ppm. Rh is 40-55% with lights on and 60%-80% night time temps are 25c
If you put more soil on the top it will cut out the air. So i was thinking perlite.
Btw im growing in 2 gallons pots with promix.
It happend because the water wand i was using was spitting it out to fast. I was mostly asking if it was a problem?.
They built a good root system in a two gallon. vegged for 18 days
They roots dont get much light. All my plants are lollipop so everything is higher up. I take all the bottom growth off in veg and around day 12 of flowering and then once more at week 3.
Is it really a problem?


Well-Known Member
that was a bit vague...

what do you mean you see roots? on the top or the bottom?
are they root bound?
what's your growing media and pot size?
They arent rootbound. Cause rootbound is a myth. sort of
2 gallons is plenty of dirt for them.
I just see rots on the top. Some didnt get planted as deep i guess. Its not on all of them.
I grew them in dixie cups for 4 days and then planted in 2gallons and vegg for another two weeks.
I prefer small pots. More work, but easier to control. Plant more under a light
im doing 20 a light so they work out good.
btw im using GMB and A+B Connossuer. additives are B52 ,Big Bud , Bud candy, koolbloom dry and overdrive. purple kush