I can't clone!!


Well-Known Member
For some reason, I have yet to have a clone successfully root. I have tried with over 10 cuttings and not one of them rooted.
Here is my procedure:
With a sterile pen knife I make a 45 degree cut on the branch that I wish to clone.
I then put the cuttings in water and make a second 45 degree cut.
Then I trim excess leaves, dip in rooting powder, and place in a moist jiffy peat plug. I then cover the cuttings with a dome.
Usually they will fall over and start to die within 4-5 days. Other times they will stay perky but never root... then finally die.
I have tried all shapes and sizes of cuttings with the same results.

They always die on me! any tips?


Well-Known Member
I use scissors and make my cut extra long so I can trim off some under the water....I use powder not gel same as you so I dont know there...I use rockwool instead of peat pots but I have used peat pots before and they work fine...are you soaking them for a couple hours before you put the clone in them?? the peat pots I mean?? and what kind of light are you using??keep it on 24 hours for sure no dark for clones trying to root..


Well-Known Member
try and make sure the peat is tight around the cut and stem,you shouldnt be able to twist and turn the stem


Well-Known Member
I use scissors and make my cut extra long so I can trim off some under the water....I use powder not gel same as you so I dont know there...I use rockwool instead of peat pots but I have used peat pots before and they work fine...are you soaking them for a couple hours before you put the clone in them?? the peat pots I mean?? and what kind of light are you using??keep it on 24 hours for sure no dark for clones trying to root..
I soak the peat pots for about an hour or so in warm water. You mentioned 24 hour lighting... that may be my problem. I was under the impression that clones didn't like much light at all, so I just have them sitting in indirect light from the window. so they aren't getting much light. I'll try using a couple of cfls on 24hrs. thanks for the advice!

try and make sure the peat is tight around the cut and stem,you shouldnt be able to twist and turn the stem
about how deep should i put the clones in? I pack them in pretty well and generally make a hole about a half inch deep.


Active Member
look in the grow faq and research water cloning. Water cloning is so easy you'd have to be retarded to fuck it up...

Works for me and I'm a dumb stoner.


Well-Known Member
For some reason, I have yet to have a clone successfully root. I have tried with over 10 cuttings and not one of them rooted.
Here is my procedure:
With a sterile pen knife I make a 45 degree cut on the branch that I wish to clone.
I then put the cuttings in water and make a second 45 degree cut.
Then I trim excess leaves, dip in rooting powder, and place in a moist jiffy peat plug. I then cover the cuttings with a dome.
Usually they will fall over and start to die within 4-5 days. Other times they will stay perky but never root... then finally die.
I have tried all shapes and sizes of cuttings with the same results.

They always die on me! any tips?
i use powder and jiffy peat things as well...if i have problems trying to root clones, i noticed, sometimes notching them helps, heres a vid from youtube (taken from Guide to Growing Cannabis)

YouTube - Guide to growing Cannabis part 8 of 10


Well-Known Member
Also when you make your second 45 degree cut, scrape some of the stem skin off around where the gel is going to be. That way more roots will surface from the clone. I cloned the smallest pieces of plants before. It aint hard. Don't forget to spray PH'd warm water, not cold. Also 24 hour lighting is the only way I cloned so far. And its worked, so I aint going to change. Good Luck!!!!