I can't diagnose this ANYWHERE

Ol' Scrumpy

View attachment 967491
This is only on some of the larger fan leaves. At first I thought it was from the spider mite problem I just corrected, but when I look closer it is too splotchy and the wrong color to be from that.
I am having a problem with some grasshopper looking things and some other kind of bug, but this is only around the veins in the leaves, so I don't think its an insect.


Well-Known Member
i dont think that is any sort of problem........maybe from water on the leafs creating hot spots but i really dont think you have any sorta of big problem. just make sure the ph is in check, and ya so id just keep an eye on it but not sorry unless it gets worse

Ol' Scrumpy

You're probably right. Now that you say that, I just realized I sprayed neem oil late last week. Its probably that. I might have just mixed it a little too rich. I sprayed a little later in the morning that I would have liked as well.

Thanks a lot, man.


Well-Known Member
know what u mean though, some plants look perfect and some have tiny little flaws that annoy u even though nothings really wrong. Water on the leaves usually leaves a perfect tan circle, as thats how light usually concentrates and burns.

Ol' Scrumpy

know what u mean though, some plants look perfect and some have tiny little flaws that annoy u even though nothings really wrong. Water on the leaves usually leaves a perfect tan circle, as thats how light usually concentrates and burns.
Definitely! I'm working on my first experience outdoors, and I'm pretty put off by the condition of the one plant I have going, what with all the bugs and shit. I'm used to seeing those lush perfect plants from my indoor grow room, so I feel like a total failure each time I see anything other than perfect green growth on this damn plant.