I cant eat! :(

rock lobster

Well-Known Member
long story short I am taking a break from smoking for a while due to financial reasons. todays day 3 and i still am having trouble holding down
food. last night I even passed on steak. Im assuming this is pretty common when your use to only eating when your high... how long do you think it will take for me to regain my appetite?


Ursus marijanus
Within a week, you should have some appetite back. Concentrate on digestible foods with decent nutrition when the appetite comes back. And drink milk, juices etc. That'll keep you from dropping into outright hunger metabolism. cn


Well-Known Member
that sucks i know the feeling im taking a break my self day 3 for me to and i barley ate aint anything my girl is cooking some spanish food i normally i love it but just the smell is making my stomach turn hopefully it will pass soon