I Can't Find My Last Five Posts....Help

dosnt exist anymore

ive been having problems getting around to the conversations i was in before the site changed

i used the last 5 threads and last 5 posts a lot too
what do we want? OUR LAST 5 POSTS! when do we want them? NOW! really though why did they get rid of that? are they trying to move to an exclusively blog format or something? phasing out threads? that was the easiest way to track threads without subscribing. subbed threads only show up there if there are new posts. i don't want to have to search for my posts.
I was looking for that also. Guess I'm gonna have to subscribe to every thread I post in now. :(
i guess they got rid of it because someone was hacking through that or something.... i dont know, they tried to get rid of it before
really? because i have 1000s of posts and only about 2 doz([edit: more like 50]the ones since the site went back up) are displayed in view all posts
not enough to keep track of discussions before 4/20....

im still missing out on my last 5 threads and i usually post
when im fucked up, so its hard to keep track lol
I did this search and it says find "all" posts but only showed me the last 6. that's nice i guess but where are the rest of them? it was just so convenient before to have subbed threads, then last 5 threads, then last 5 posts right on one screen, and i could see if there were any updates.
i feel you man; i was so used to that too. now all i can do is keep track of SUBed threads and troll the new posts section
its back by the way.

that was a nice little treat to wake up to
plus my notepad is back with all my old sigs!