I can't smoke weed anymore. Why?


Active Member
I started smoking Weed about a year ago, I started with shake and worked my way into bud. Slowly smoking more and more I ended up doing it everyday being high almost all day. I recently got sick and didn't smoke for 2 days.(I've gone longer before) now whenever I smoke I get so paranoid an just don't want to smoke. Like I have some of the best
bud I've ever had right now and I can't enjoy it. I've actually been trying to sell it cuz I just don't want to smoke. I see this as a good oppertunity for me to finally quit but I must know why I suddenly can't handle something I've been doing all day everyday for a year now. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Marijuana has done so much for me, have I maybe out grown it? Help?


Active Member
Oh I forgot to mention it happened about a week ago. I bought a new rode bike and have started riding about 20 miles a day. Could this maybe be doing it? Gah I'm just trying to come up with some sort of explanation.


Active Member
Its prob because you stopped. then started again smoking better / and the same amount or more bud. cut down a bit and take baby steps bro. but if you really want to quit then all the power to you.


Well-Known Member
happend to me with alcohol, could drink it all the time.. 2 weeks ago, i had to puke.

Cant drink it anymore.... not cuz of the puke... cuz beer sucks and my body knows it, i want to be healthy... yeah..

but i still smoke weed cuz thats healthy :) has vitamins W in it :D :P


it might be the environment your in thats causing you to feel paranoid. idk man i just know that started happening to me a little while back and it was anxiety because of what was happening around me. It didnt last long for me so hope the same luck to you.


Well-Known Member
happend to me with alcohol, could drink it all the time.. 2 weeks ago, i had to puke.

Cant drink it anymore.... not cuz of the puke... cuz beer sucks and my body knows it, i want to be healthy... yeah..

but i still smoke weed cuz thats healthy :) has vitamins W in it :D :P
haha vitamin W :hug:


Well-Known Member
When i got off parole i was super parinoid when i started to smoke again. It took a cople weeks to get the mellow feelin again. I would spook people i got so parinoid but its all good now. Good shit on the bike ridin-peace

mr west

Well-Known Member
happens to me if i have 24 hrs off or smoking slanty, I go back smoking top notch and it double fucks me and i have a whitey and get para but that soon passe if u carry on, well does for me anyway.