I cant stop laughing at my avatar


Well-Known Member
title says it all and im not even smoking right now LMFAO!

In case i change my avatar in the future Here it is. Thanks to cheechako!

- tumblr_m7yzoxVtGI1rbriufo1_500.jpg


Well-Known Member
LOL lets make this thread a list of the funniest avatars you have found! everytime i post a comment i cant stop laughing when my avatar just pops up like WTF


Well-Known Member
back in the day FDD had a kick ass PIN UP GIRL...cant member what it said for the life of me ..but when you see it...!!


New Member
nothing about spider mites is ever funny.EVER.Matter of fact the words spider mites make my blood pressure spike:wall:


Well-Known Member
Lol I could laugh at this shit all day, imagine if i had a gram in me, i think i could be the first ever person to die from weed lol

- lovin the avatar btw