I can't tell the gender

Still got one more and it's really enjoying the 6 cfls all to itself now I'm pretty sure it's female I haven't seen any nuts on it yet and now I know what to look for now. The last one left is the runt, it stops growing from anything I would top the other one and in a day it would be growing topped this one and it stopped for a week


Well-Known Member
There's nothing wrong with starting out on bagseed. Just means you got a lucky dip with some herb.
My first run was bagseed. Good smoke too. Also doing my second run with bagseed. Yet to see the end result of this one though.

The only thing with bagseed is you never know if they're duds, male, Indica or Sativa. You just got to plant that sumbich and hope for the best.
Eh my buddy is from the border of Texas and all that's down there is compressed indica slung over the border but I tell you what it sure grows nice in the right conditions I'm curious to see what the smoke is like
And you're exactly right I'd rather waste a few shit seeds and figure out some techniques for growing then pay a ton for good genes and mess up the grow


Well-Known Member
I guess you already figured it was a male.
I'm curious why don't you just buy yourself some quality seeds of something awesome and proven? I mean you've already invested money on your equipment why not go all the way.
Eh I was kinda piecing it together and growing at the same time it's my first grow and I've just been kinda budgeting every once in a while I get something new I figure I should work out all the kinks like litterally I'm growing with cfls a tote airstones jacks hydro nutes calnit and surprisingly I've been using a few drops of sulfuric acid as my ph down in a 10 gal res and my ph goes from 5.5-6.5 slowly over the course of a week then I clean and wash my res with peroxide and refill my nutes and re-ph and I check the ph every few days and haven't had a single problem so my next grow all I'll have to get is quality genetics and I have a citizen cob coming within the next few weeks and I'm gonna finish with that


Well-Known Member
There's quality genetics to be had for under 50 a pack or you could get some fem seeds of some fire S1 strain for around 150, and not have to worry about wasting space and sexing.
I was thinking about abandoning the tote next run and switching to a bucket so I can move it around easier and possibly doing a LED vert grow since I only have 4 feet high that I can grow just tie it to a screen and hit it from the side with light. Or maybe do an auto but I do like the process of controlling the flip. Was thinking about maybe doing c99 but brothers Grimm doesn't sell fem seeds. Was wanting to do a more uppity strain preferably sativa. Was thinking about possibly trying a mr nice strain but then again I don't believe he sells fem.Any suggestions on a good strain that won't grow too tall?