I could not have picked a worse week to open my poisonous slug restaurant

scumrot derelict

Well-Known Member

Ballard was 19 in 2010 when he and some friends were drinking wine with his friends in a garden. “We were sitting over here having a bit of a red wine appreciation night, trying to act as grown up and a slug came crawling across here,” his friend Jimmy Galvin told newsweek.

“The conversation came up, you know. ‘Should I eat it?’ And off Sam went. Bang. That’s how it happened.”
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I too have a poisonous bug restaurant, at first business was great. But I've noticed that I have very few regular customers, in fact almost no repeat business. Your post makes me think I should focus on the new clients.

Side note: my only repeat customers are newlyweded ladies who like to bring the new husband's. Bon appetit.
my pug comes in chewing on slugs occasionally. She cant digest them so they end up on the floor somewhere. They will eat anything.