I cut my first bud, here she is

This was grown from bag-seed, the biggest tiger-striped seeds from the best "samples" I have had the pleasure to intake over the years. The shoots popped up on 4-20 (of course) and were switched to flowering mode on 5-20. Out of 12 plants I only ended up with one female, due to foolishly culling the slow growers before they had been sexed. (I have since learned that males tend to grow faster and stronger.)

They were grown for the first 4 weeks under 4 48" t-8 aquarium plant lights under 24 hr cycle. On 5-20 they were switched to 12-12 lighting, and after a week of wilting, I realized I needed new lights. So I added 4 soft-white CFLs to the 160 watts of fluorescent. 2 were 200 watt, and 2 were 100 watt. The whole time I have been feeding them some fertilizer my mom gave me called "Fish and Poop" - literally - every other day fert, then clear water, then fert, etc.

The plant has 10 main bud bearing branches. This is one of the lesser ones from the side (NOT the two main ones on top)This one was getting too close to the light, and I am jonesin, so I snipped it. My guess is that I am about a week early, but I could not help myself. The rest of the plant is still chillin. How does she look? Can't wait to test her out, she is pinned to my wall right now.

So here she is, I call her Mo Frosty, 8 grams wet:


New Member
Usually the lower fan leaves turn yellow cuz you should stop giving it nutes a week or two before harvest. If you try to smoke nutrient rich buds, they burn like shit and leave chunky black ash and taste bad.


Well-Known Member
yea cut the nutriens .. they will have plenty to use up in the pots .. normaly Ppl. cut em 1-2 weeks before haverst .. and do a flush ..

Edit: your sure you only have a week left ? I dont see any/many brown hairs ? do you have a microcope ? a good idea to invest them 25$ in one .. need to see if your tricomes have turnd cloudy/amber ..

you can realy loose a lot if you haverst to early ..


Well-Known Member
your leaves are dark green probably because of the fertilizer your using. fish poop is high in nitrogen. looks good though. post some plant shots. lets see the rest of her...


Well-Known Member
Nice looking bud but you could have let it go longer. Dark green leaves mean over nute.


Active Member
That plant was not ready for harvesting in my opinion. I mean it is solid white hairs. That is premature.
That plant was not ready for harvesting in my opinion. I mean it is solid white hairs. That is premature.
Yeah I have a little jewelers lens I use to look at the trichomes, and they appeared to be mostly cloudy/some clear, but no amber, and only a few of the hairs were amber. I am pretty sure this is premature, impatience led me to snip this bud. The rest of the plant is still cooking,and there are 9 more colas bigger than this one! I am hoping this bud matures some while it dries over the next few days.

I don't know if it was the right thing to do, but I just finished trimming off most of the leaves from the still-growing plant. Some were yellowed, or curling, but I cut off any of the leaves that hid the buds from the lights. Here's a pic. Its about 24" tall, and there are 8 colas left. One I cut today, and the other I cut 2 weeks ago to clone.MoFrosty07042012.jpg