I did a flush and here are the results. Help!!

oh really???

Well-Known Member
So i used a buddies meter and found that my Tap water is 270ppm, and my ph is 7.5.

I add 25 drops of ph down to a gallon of water and my tap goes to 6.8ish

I add my nute line up and the ph is at 6.6-6.7 with a ppm of around 1800.

My run off ph is at 5.8-5.9 and the ppm are above 2000.

Just a few questions:

What do i do and what does this mean.

Is the ph in my soil to high?

should i ph down my water more?

are the excessive ppm runoff mean salt build up?

Should i just ph at 6.8 and use no/little nutes.

How much should i flush?

can i use a 270ppm?

Is my tap water ppm too high?

All help will be rep'd. thanks


Well-Known Member
I would mix up your water and nutes then check your ph, for soil try and keep it around 6.8, I like to try and keep the ppm's down if its a younger plant and work your way up and I try to not go past 1800 at anytime. Different strains can take higher ppm's for some its too strong but just watch your plant it will tell you if its too strong but start low and work your way up. I normally don't worry about checking run off and all that and haven't had any problems because its a weed and it will tell you in time.......good luck!


Well-Known Member
try flushin. your runoff shouldnt be higher than the input. that means there is some sort of imbalance in the plants nute usage v availability. thats just my opinion tho. i would say yry flushin with just ph 6 water. and at least twice as much water as there is soil. ie 2 gal pot 4 gal water