I do not have a timer.. so I'm asking this..

Anyways like I said stop posting on this thread one more offense of harassment and I'll report you n get you banned enough said the op which is me isnt racist didn't say anything racist. It be like me stating I'm white so go read what I showed you. N yes I'll b a snitch if I'm tired of it all ready go on


Well-Known Member
Dude stfu... you edited your post where you said..."and I thought I was bad" ..what did you mean by that I wonder? Sounds like an admittance of guilt to me...So your obviously twisting his apparent joke into.....................
Damn troll


Active Member
Can't you set an alarm clock for when you have to turn it on, then reset it for when it needs to go off?

Oh and I have a mechanical timer, no instructions, have no idea how it works lol


DUDE get a TIMER that's a necessity for indoor grow, like lights and water! Their only like Ten Dollars At any home Depot/ Lowes.
Can't you set an alarm clock for when you have to turn it on, then reset it for when it needs to go off?

Oh and I have a mechanical timer, no instructions, have no idea how it works lol
Watch a YouTube video but yea that's what I'm doing now with the alarm clock