I don't believe it! bird seed.


Well-Known Member
The shampoo dosnt smell like weed, but chicks dig the smell, its like....you know, dude hair care product smell.


Well-Known Member
So let me get this right then, there is no point in me even growing this as it has hardly any thc? Is it just taking room up for nothing then! Should i chuck it? Put it in the green house? Leave it in my cab? Anyone? Don't really want it in my cab if it's pointless me growing it!


Well-Known Member
Hemp IS marijuana. The word marijuana is a crude use of a mexican word for MJ. Hemp is actually what it is called and we call it MJ b/c the government wanted to make a bad name for it! I mean hell why would they want you to hate the same thing that i believe the bill of rights was written? It started to become to food of a cash crop and veola they change the name and say its the devil!

fuck the goverment we fought a revoulution to gain freedom just for these yuppie assholes to make almost everything illegal?


Well-Known Member
i mean i never heard of anyone killing others while high/stoned heard of lots of death due to drunk drivers
weed could make our
deafaset 0 again in 3 years roughly if they legalize it and tax it like everything else in this rotten country
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I have had for ages some seeds that someone gave me out of some of there bird seed, (have about 50,) so anyway i never thought they would grow cos i thought they where treated first before made into bird seed so they couldn't, well that's what i was told anyway. I decide to try germanating a few of them put about 10 seeds in sum damp cotton wool and wrapped them in clean film. Then i forgot about them! They have been sat in a draw for the last 5 days, i remembered about them eariler and 1 had tap roots! I couldn't believe it never expected anything to happen really was a bit of an experment. Since i forgot about them the roots hav grow about 4cm long opps. So i have now potted it up and put in my cab to see wot happens, bit curious to see if it will grow! Just thought i'd share that bit of info lol. Pic of the germanated seed below.

View attachment 149414
How did it go? What did you finally produce? We would like to hear what kind did you get from it (Sativa, Indica, or Ruderalis) ?


Active Member
So let me get this right then, there is no point in me even growing this as it has hardly any thc? Is it just taking room up for nothing then! Should i chuck it? Put it in the green house? Leave it in my cab? Anyone? Don't really want it in my cab if it's pointless me growing it!
I am not sure of the laws in the UK, but in the US the same laws apply to hemp as does high grade MJ, which is it is illegal to grow or have in your possesion. So if you were to take the risk, I would get something worthwhile to grow. Chuck it......


Well-Known Member
back in the 70's i was fishing with friends on the missouri river when we came across a field of pot, i thought we were rich. that's when i got educated, my friends told me that they use to grow hemp all along the river and the locals called it plain jane because there is no thc content. it was still amazing to see that many plants growing in the wild.


Well-Known Member
HEMP is low to non TCH producing plant, where Canabis is a HIGH TCH producing plant.

Hemp is great for headache weed. but better for the manufacturing/industrial comples.

hemp can be used to make rope, textiles, oils, fuels, food fillers (safe and natural) fuels ect...

canabis can be used for cooking, medicine, an other Human body needed stuff.


You could buy bird seed with high thc in 70's Ireland .Then they treated them.
To separate the hemp male and female does increase the THC. I guess find what brand
in what country is likely have high thc bird seed .
I guess I am a prepper maybe someday all seed cannot be bought online unless for medicinal.
At present some countries do not allow the sale.


Well-Known Member
I feed my chickens hemp seeds , I buy 50 lbs. bags for about 15$, Chickens internal organs are a bit different than man's are and seed often passes thru intact and in a little pile of warm fertlizer . Anyway I often find hemp plants growing all over my and my neighbors yards. I pull them whenever I find them but I miss alot the ones I miss I have seen grow 8' - 9' but thats unusual . I have spoken to the feed stores about this issue and they say it's rather common when whole seeds are feed and they recomend to mill them
I dont smoke the stuff so I cant comment about the strenth but sometimes I find someone has cut the tops off before I pull them

as a small hobby type farmer it's a crying shame I cant cultivate the stuff , I have a hard time trying to grow many poultry forage crops but the stuff that pops up on it's own I have to pull and the stuff is a supper food a balanced protien rarely found in the plant world loaded with ommega's that make the eggs a rich orange collor and also loaded with soluble fiber, and minerals