I dont know about this L... Is this street acid?

Alex Schmidt

New Member
I just found some L... So i got a free sample, the guy only does vials so i got a sample. The first onset was reall anxious i felt like i was mentally constipated. Than though as the hours rolled by the trip got smoother and smoother. Im not sure wether i had a bad trip or this is some streety acid. It hit me decent. My pupils didnt really dialate though wich was disapointing. What is the difference between street acid and some well made acid, key traits. I watched that bit on nuero soup that talked a bit about street acid and she said street acid is a really anxious experience. This guy is getting the lsd in solid form. How can i differentiate the two? Anyone with experience here?


Well-Known Member
You can get a testing kit probably be the best thing to do these days when they have LSD knock offs that can actually kill you.

LSD can't kill you unless maybe you take a retardedly high dose so I've been told. But definitely test it before trying to sell it I'm pretty sure I seen some shit about a guy getting a murder charge for selling knock off LSD that killed someone.

Alex Schmidt

New Member
Mike- IDK man i have had some quality L and there does seem to be a distinctive taste to it... Reall faint but theres something.. kind of a lip smacking taste or something...

Blunt- Yea i didnt think of that ill look into it.. Never heard of a RC thats lethal, youd have to be fucking with a BS motherfucker to get a lethal chemical sold as acid. Poorly made acid as i understand it is known as street acid. Cant shitty acid still test true? Thats my take on it.

If its clean acid there shouldnt be any anxiety to it should there? Like a tendency to be anti social? I dont know i think ive only had really good acid like once.. soo im not sure what to rightly beleive


Well-Known Member
If it has a noticeable taste to it or sensation. Like bitter, sour, tingling and numbing. Real acid will at the most have a very slight electric zing to it, but no numbing or tingling oe anything. Doc, dob, aMT, nbome can all kill you at a high enough dose

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
If it has a noticeable taste to it or sensation. Like bitter, sour, tingling and numbing. Real acid will at the most have a very slight electric zing to it, but no numbing or tingling oe anything. Doc, dob, aMT, nbome can all kill you at a high enough dose
which rc lasts like 16 hours and has no taste?


Well-Known Member
Doc most likely. It has a tingly numbing to it so if you don't taste it its probably because you missed the tingly part and your tongues numb now. Just numb for like 5-10 minutes or so

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Doc most likely. It has a tingly numbing to it so if you don't taste it its probably because you missed the tingly part and your tongues numb now. Just numb for like 5-10 minutes or so
no numbing either man it was exactly the same as legit lsd but had a pretty bad body load not nausia tho and lasted way longer


Well-Known Member
You can get a testing kit probably be the best thing to do these days when they have LSD knock offs that can actually kill you.

LSD can't kill you unless maybe you take a retardedly high dose so I've been told. But definitely test it before trying to sell it I'm pretty sure I seen some shit about a guy getting a murder charge for selling knock off LSD that killed someone.

LSD is non toxic