I dont know if these are good fertilizers to use??? Help would be Really appreciated.

I am kinda slow at things. I'm using real basic soil .( Perlite,Composted green material, redwood shavings, and washed sand) There is no chemicals or animal or human waste.(really don't now why it would have human waste) LOL but it has high alkaline. How can lower it. The fertlizer im going to be using is For vegetation phase is Osmocote Smart Release Plant Food outdoor and indoor with NPK being 19-6-12. I'm deciding if i should use Lilly Miller Color Blooms Fertlizer with quick and slow release plant food with NPK being 15-30-15.please please I'm a beginner so bar with me.:o
Aluminum sulfate is the classic soil-souring agent. It's at nursery stores.

You would be much better off using immediate-release ferts. That way, if you make a mistake, it's quickly and easily corrected. cn
Aluminum sulfate is the classic soil-souring agent. It's at nursery stores.

You would be much better off using immediate-release ferts. That way, if you make a mistake, it's quickly and easily corrected. cn

Always have great info at hand mate, awesome for u to share. Humanity just needs to share. For if no one owns anything there's no stealing. And what is it to own something? I don't own my car, my house or any of these things. If I did truly own them I'd always have them and would never lose them, and as we know that's surely not the case.

I only own myself, so I start here for my true happiness.

im currently growing my personal strain Ganja dream, and i just picked up this new stuff called "sea grow 16-16-16" and MJ plants LOVe this stuFF! my plant is growing Flawlessly ever since i picked this stuff up!
Google "KISS method"

It ONE additive for both veg and bloom. Add 1 tsp per gallon. Easy & effective. The stuff is called MaxiBloom by General Hydroponics.

Dont waste your time or your money chasing all the snake oil.