I don't know what is wrong with my droopy plants



Something is wrong with my plants.

Day 33
Seeds - Big Bang Auto (GHS), Critical 2.0 Auto (Dinafem)
Fertilizer - Bio Bizz Try Pack (Grow, Bloom, Top Max)
Soil - Eco Bison
Pot - 12-13L
Watering - weekly
pH - liquid tester. color yellow , then pH on 6
humidity - 30-50%

I need your help. I dont have idea what i do wrong. Maybe root problem?

Critcal left side, Big Bang right side
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Well-Known Member
^^ How much do You water when you water once a week? and what amount of Nutes ml are you mixing up and How often are you giving em the Nutes...



Well-Known Member
Give them just enough water for a cpl days..If you are watering once a wk how do you feed then? You should be giving them just enough water to get threw a few days then feed, then water 2 more times, feed etc. And how much water you give them depends on light intensity, air flow, pot size, plant size.
I swear its overwatering day here on RIU:P


Well-Known Member
Well I can't say about the "Soil - Eco Bison" but most Soil/Compost has added Nutrients that feed your Plant for idk? say the first 3-6 Weeks depending on Brand etc.(You are into 4th / 5th Week?) I have used BioBizz for over 3 yrs and had no Issues, that chart looks "old" so You have been mixing :-

1ml Grow
2ml Bloom
1ml TopMax

Into one Litre and they each get 1L or 500ml each? seems like Nute Burn? did see some dots on one picture on the leaves, though not 100% sure? Have You checked to see if Soil/Compost mix is Wet / Dry? use little finger @ edge of Pot and insert to about 2nd knuckle IF finger comes up clean..She's Dry IF comes up with bits of Soil stuck to Finger then She is still moist..

From the look of one of the Pictures you have added Perlite and Clay Pebbles, again not 100% sure...

Gotta ask, Why do You feed/water just once weekly?


Oops nearly forgot what kind of Temps have you got in Grow Area?
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I always chcek to see if soil is wet.

"From the look of one of the Pictures you have added Perlite and Clay Pebbles, again not 100% sure..."
it's dolomite

so how i should give bio bizz nutes? how many ml on 1L water?


Well-Known Member
Over watered and then under watered stress
Looks like also some heat stress.

And you have a major cal mag problem ( lack of or lock out )

Flush with at least 2x pot size gallons of clean water ( add Cal / Mag or Epsom salt to flush water )
Following day flush with 1/4 strength nutes and 2x pot size gallons of water. ( adding Cal / Mag or espsom salt.)
Waiting a day allow the roots to slough off nutes and pick up clean water before nuting again , which you should do next day as you have nute issues as is.
If feasible foilar spray with 1/2 teaspoon Epsom salt to gallon or water....use until gone. ( Spray it once, let dry. spray again.etc....use fan to blow dry. Spray plant again later with water to wash off any residue )

Add Cal mag
Lower temps and increase airflow.
Fix your watering habits...don't let them dry out totally during flowering.

Do not remove any leaves until the problem is fixed.

Plants are seriously hammered.
Good luck.

Also check humidity and when flushing bang on the sides of the pot or drop it from a few inches in height to break up the soil.
Bet the run off will black in color and smell nasty.
From the pics I can see you have poor drainage.

Again good luck/
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Burnt tips indicate over fert, curling down can either be ph fluctuation (looks to be low for soil) or overwatering (roots need lots of oxygen in between waterings). Things like this are made worse by heat or moisture stress (drainage, humidity and increased transpiration/ respiration)... . Also see a potassium/magnesium issue on the leaves that are changing colors at the tips. Sometimes following feeding charts can cause issues, like with fox farm i've had some problems, u just kind of have to be observant and always remember less is more!

Give them something with trace minerals like magnesium, calcium, iron
Increase airflow, lower temps, let them dry out but not completely between waterings (makes heat stress worse)
Cut nutes by half until u see them react
Some soils have a better buffer than others and it may just be your PH is too low to make these nutrients available.
To increase drainage you can add in a layer of perlite on top of the soil, although its better to put it at the bottom, and/or mix in before hand.

Good luck :peace:
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Well-Known Member
I agree with redsolocup, listen, when growing in dirt? ph should be kept around 6.5,or greater and using test strips may not be the way to grow/ go. we spend much effort/ time and money to get positive results , so borrow,or buy a ph pen. He is right on with his observation . High porosity medium is the key