I don't know what the hell I am doing - 1st grow with AG Big Hawaiian

Started this after grown after a visit to Oaksterdam.
I am learning as I go. I had 5 big Hawaiian seeds in 7 pod in a normal AG set up.
The largest plant died at 3 weeks and the other 4 continue to grow. At 3 weeks I put the AG into a closed closet, switched to a 400w HPS light and add an aquarium bubbler.
I am worried about the amount of heat that is building up in the closet. I did buy an exhaust fan, but I have no clue how to set it up.
I added a small oscillating fan to cool things down.

Here are some of the pictures.



Well-Known Member
i've been trying to look shit up to figure it out. NOT weed. it's maybe tomato's early growth. haven't figured out which kind yet.


Well-Known Member
:P i found a strain "Big Hawaiian" On DutchFarms. but thats about it. and it looks nothing like that. i can tell you that :P


Im going out on a limb and guessing you did not get your seeds from a very reputable seed bank or hell even a buddy and if you did that is no friend. Next time maybe look up what a marijuana seed looks like before you start growing and wasting your time. Strain makes next to no diffrence in appearance outside of small differences such as shape, pattern, and color. I would suggest plump deep brown with thick black marks. Green seeds are premature only go for brown seed. Hope this helps sorry again about your big Hawaiian disappointment.


Well-Known Member
Started this after grown after a visit to Oaksterdam.
I am learning as I go. I had 5 big Hawaiian seeds in 7 pod in a normal AG set up.
The largest plant died at 3 weeks and the other 4 continue to grow. At 3 weeks I put the AG into a closed closet, switched to a 400w HPS light and add an aquarium bubbler.
I am worried about the amount of heat that is building up in the closet. I did buy an exhaust fan, but I have no clue how to set it up.
I added a small oscillating fan to cool things down.

Here are some of the pictures.
that is NOT weed...
F! I bought the seeds from a vendor online. The seeds were not dark. The fastest growing plant was a cannabis plant, but it died. I don't know what these plants are. I wrote the vendor and they denied selling me bogus seeds. oh, well. I am going to Seattle in a few weeks for the Cannabis cup and will meet some reputable vendors and start all over.
I did get 10 seeds from another source and only 2 out of 8 germinated. Here is a picture of them.
2013-08-29 08.57.44.jpg2013-08-29 08.57.35.jpg
These are suppose to be big orange.
Here are so more pics of the mystery plant.
week 6.
switched to MH 400 watt and installed carbon filter.

I am having to add 1/4 gall of water every 2nd day.

2013-09-02 17.31.09.jpg2013-09-02 17.28.57.jpg2013-09-02 17.30.28.jpg2013-09-02 17.30.14.jpg

Jimmy Luffnan

Well-Known Member
Could be some new cutting edge weed that looks like Dandelion...?
Very Stealth *_*

Looks like some type of Salvia???
Maybe they mixed up your seeds?

Cheers Jimmy.