I don't know WTF I'm doing here.....

What was your change of mind?
I only planned on doing 24/0 from the jump for the early seedling stages and later switching to 18/6 during the early vegging stage.

I want to say my main decision is the savings on the electric bill but in all honesty it's like a $5 difference since I'm only running 200 watts from the lights.

I've also heard the difference between 24/0 vs 18/6 is nearly unnoticeable. I had great success with 18/6 so I'll stick with it for now.
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I've got a few strains on the go and before lights out one plant starts to wilt. The lights go out, plants do what they do when they rest, and when the lights come back on the plant is perky again. I've extended the dark period for the plants in that tent by a bit. I've got a different strain that more than 4 hours dark and the plant thinks it's flowering time. You have to know what the different plants like and watch them because they aren't all the same.
I wouldn't doubt that, especially for an autoflowers since they're so unpredictable.
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I thought I already had enough fish smell shit last grow but I could t pass this up at $3
View attachment 5078453

Seems super high in K but was another great deal.
View attachment 5078454View attachment 5078455

I use this same product , Plant Success Organics. After much research on this product & the types of myco, fungi & bacterial strains & what functions they have. It is comparable to MammothP.. granted it's also dry & alot lot cheaper. It has Nitrogen & Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria. NSB & PSB. Kinda like if Recharge & MammothP had a baby.

BTW I read this post from page 1 to the end. I watched you suffer in the beginning, determined to keep going & keep trying. just to slowly adapt & evolve.. those end results speak for themselves & for your skill set. #Respect & Respect to all those that kindly steered him in the right direction. Hats off to you all.
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I use this same product , Plant Success Organics. After much research on this product & the types of myco, fungi & bacterial strains & what functions they have. It is comparable to MammothP.. granted it's also dry & alot lot cheaper. It has Nitrogen & Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria. NSB & PSB. Kinda like if Recharge & MammothP had a baby.
That's some next level testimony! I may have to break it out sooner than later.

BTW I read this post from page 1 to the end. I watched you suffer in the beginning, determined to keep going & keep trying. just to slowly adapt & evolve.. those end results speak for themselves & for your skill set. #Respect & Respect to all those that kindly steered him in the right direction. Hats off to you all.
Thank you! I still don't have things dialed yet but like you mentioned above I'm evolving! So many people gave me GREAT constructive feedback and I took every piece of advice into consideration while moving forward.

I could have made a new thread and tried to make it seem like I never screwed up all of those grows, but it's more of a reminder to myself and a bump in motivation to the newer growers that this cannabis cultivation thing is very achievable.

Anyway, thanks again. I'll update you on the liquid fish fertilizer in the coming weeks.
The main bed = Green

Solo cups(I'm certain I'm overwatering but I want opinions)= Yellowing
I only planned on doing 24/0 from the jump for the early seedling stages and later switching to 18/6 during the early vegging stage.

I want to say my main decision is the savings on the electric bill but in all honesty it's like a $5 difference since I'm only running 200 watts from the lights.

I've also heard the difference between 24/0 vs 18/6 is nearly unnoticeable. I had great success with 18/6 so I'll stick with it for now.
It goes by the DLI. Higher wattage light for less time, or lower wattage light for more time. Either way, they can only handle a certain amount of light.
I use this same product , Plant Success Organics. After much research on this product & the types of myco, fungi & bacterial strains & what functions they have. It is comparable to MammothP.. granted it's also dry & alot lot cheaper. It has Nitrogen & Phosphorus Solubilizing Bacteria. NSB & PSB. Kinda like if Recharge & MammothP had a baby.

BTW I read this post from page 1 to the end. I watched you suffer in the beginning, determined to keep going & keep trying. just to slowly adapt & evolve.. those end results speak for themselves & for your skill set. #Respect & Respect to all those that kindly steered him in the right direction. Hats off to you all.
Used today, smell is just awful!

Smells like something the criminals on Law And Order should be forced to smell for their entire life. I'll see how they're looking in the morning.
A little while after lights on

The muchacha auto just refuses to act right.....keeps stretching even though lights have been very close. Raised it to 18" today, it'll have to be zip tied sooner or later.
Do you run extraction 24/7.
I do, it's been like this for maybe two weeks I believe, I actually started using it during those back to back 90° days to help with the temperature.

It's on the lowest setting and I have a piece of fabric covering it to lower it the strength even more.
I do, it's been like this for maybe two weeks I believe, I actually started using it during those back to back 90° days to help with the temperature.

It's on the lowest setting and I have a piece of fabric covering it to lower it the strength even more.
Put it on a timer, or a humidity sensor. Your tent may build up humidity like mine do when fan is off