Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
I never married him, number one.Number two, I'm not the kind of woman who would assassinate the character of a child's father to them.Because it was devastating when my mom did it to me after dad died. If you had just had disagreed with me, I could have lived with that and been silent,because as I stated earlier, you don't know his side of the story.But you tried to "tell" me what I was really trying to do, obviously drawing from the scope of all of your own experiences. I have never refused him visitation.Ever.But my girl came home trembling and crying that day.I went to the cops, and they said it was a he said she said matter...even though his girlfriend went in and told them what happened. Now he's got a little money because he's on disability and got a lump instead of paying any back child support he owes, he decides to try to get me in contempt just to fuck with me...and he's trying to get me to pay his attorney fees.With his daughter's money. Get this straight.He never endangered her before...just completely ignored her.He sleeps when she comes over.She has come home filthy,and he laughs if I tell him she needs to bathe. He calls women bitches and cunts when his own daughter will grow to be one one day...he has beaten every woman he's ever been with, and three of them he's slapped around in front of his daughter, my self included when she was a baby before I left him. But the day he put his hands on his daughter in that manner,he crossed his barrier.Now he won't go back.The violence will escalate.This I know.And no court,no person, will ever force me to put my child in danger.I am respecting her wishes, not my own.Because if I had my way, I'd have blown his fucking head off a long time ago.But I will not do that to my daughter, because I'm the only stable parent she has.Spanking a kid is one thing.Trying to kick her down a flight of stairs because you wish to escape the authorities quickly after you've knocked your girlfriend about is totally another.
Let this thread be a lesson to you single guys out there. Think twice before getting married, because If you choose the wrong woman, or things just don't work out - for whatever reason - she will still find a way to make your life a living hell.
Never marry to someone you aren't willing to sue, if things don't work out.![]()