I don't PH


Well-Known Member
Well lots of nutrients these days are formulated with PH stabilizers like Advance Nutrients & Earth Juice Sugar Peak so if your using those kind of nutes with soil they say there's really no need to PH, however the saying "Its better to have and not need then to need and not have" comes to mind, I'll still be checking my PH thank you very much, lol.

I bet you guys are using soil because if your doing hydro and never check your PH you got balls.


Well-Known Member
Been growing since 1964 and checked my pH the first time last week when I set up my first DWC test unit. Otherwise it's a fool's errand guerrilla growing.


its pretty much hydro. i top feed with drip stakes and water 3-5 a times a day when they get established.

Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I check once a week to make sure my tap supply does not fluctuate,but does not.
Piece of mind for passive hydro.