I dont want to get in trouble for this...


Active Member
Am I allowed to ask someone to sell me seeds that lives in the US for cheaper than if I were to purchase from a seed bank?
Or is that a no no?
My last purchase was opened but nothing was taken out as I had a magazine in there as well but Im spooked.


New Member
I see your locale is Michigan ! Our state has some great beans , why feck with over seas junk and paranoia ? Are you a patient or caregiver ? It will make a huge difference if caught with beans


Active Member
A patient, I just grow for my girlfriend and I.
I dont live near or know anyone who I could get them from though.


New Member
A patient, I just grow for my girlfriend and I.
I dont live near or know anyone who I could get them from though.
Perhaps attend a compassion club or get to know one of the seed reps in this state on line and off line , they are around and will be glad to assist you with legal aquisation of beans . Best of luck and dont worry about seeds as this is the least of worries when it comes to being legal and compliant within the MMMA


Active Member
If you buy clones make sure they are in a quarantined area and you inspect every millimeter with a microscope. I got some from a guy on craigslist only to find a few spidermites on them. I sealed them up and wanted to bring them back to the guy and he ended up just ignoring me. I burned them with fire and gasoline (no joke). Root aphids or spider mites would be horrible for a first time grower, root aphids have actually made people move their grow or just give up completely.