I feel like such a criminal


Well-Known Member
Jeez, I'm in an apartment, alright. So I dont smoke indoors. But when I step outside I gotta find a nice spot thats hidden from everyone else. I know my neighbors, they wont tolerate weed.
This blows, I hear a twig break I start walking the other direction.

At least my leg pain was gone and I finally slept early for the first time :D
Anyone else feel like a damn criminal?


Well-Known Member
I currently live in a condo i just throw a towel under my main door and smoke in my back room with the window open and a fan on, usualy clears out pretty quick


Well-Known Member
I only smoke outside now a days. It keeps you from smelling like smoke and keeps any car or room from smelling like smoke. Invest in a whole house fan, they work wonders for indoor smokers.

And yes, I often feel like a criminal the way you have to sneak around and shit.


Well-Known Member
Go pick up some Orange Spray, most stoners know what i'm talkin about, its non-aerosol but it looks like an aerosol can and it says Orange spray on it with a picture of an orange....1 spray and all you smell is citrus...it beats all the "scented sprays" hands down, febreeze, lysol spray, none of it can fuck with the orange spray.

Also, if your neighbors smelled it and called the cops on you, they can't do ANYTHING unless YOU OPEN YOUR DOOR. They can't just get a warrant cause your neighbor smelled weed, just hit your lights, lock your door and be quiet til they're gone.
If your "snitch" neighbors will not tolerate weed smoke then I would not take a chance. Check out this article that I found in my local paper a few days ago:

WSU student arrested twice in same night for smoking pot

PULLMAN, Wash. — Pullman police say a WSU student was arrested twice the same night for smoking marijuana.

Police say the 20-year-old was arrested Tuesday night with two other men for smoking in a parking lot. They were cited, fingerprinted and released shortly after midnight.
Less than two hours later an officer saw three men passing around a pipe in a pickup truck and arrested the student again and the two others for possessing marijuana.
Police Commander Chris Tennant says he hopes the student isn't kicked out of WSU because it seems he needs a bit more education.

I posted this ad to say this; unnecessary risk is just plain stupid - smoke your weed in a place that is safe and free from "snitchy neighbors"


Well-Known Member
man...the trick is cook up some bacon on the stove ... let it cook and sizzle as you cheef..this always works


Well-Known Member
Cannabutter STINKS up the house when you make it. Smells like nothing but POT!

I smoke inside at my parents house, which is where I have to stay for the remainder of this semester. My mother smokes, but her husband would flip a shit if he found out i smoke in his house. The best methods are the cardboard tube with dryer sheets mentioned earlier, and bathroom steam fans (blows all that smoke into the attic)

I hate feeling wrong about smoking pot... BLAME THE MAN!!!!:evil::evil:

He's such a jerk, that MAN:evil:


Well-Known Member
Jeez, I'm in an apartment, alright. So I dont smoke indoors. But when I step outside I gotta find a nice spot thats hidden from everyone else. I know my neighbors, they wont tolerate weed.
This blows, I hear a twig break I start walking the other direction.

At least my leg pain was gone and I finally slept early for the first time :D
Anyone else feel like a damn criminal?
Try this if you can find some. MOGIE recommended it.
ONA... odor neutralizing agent.
Bought some at PLANT IT EARTH in SF. Put two tbs in plastic jar with holes on top. Brought it into grow room with eight big plants. Not flowering yet but stinky anyway. Smell disappeared instantly. Don't know how it works but it does. Try it for indoor smoke.
Check pics.



Well-Known Member
Try this if you can find some. MOGIE recommended it.
ONA... odor neutralizing agent.
Bought some at PLANT IT EARTH in SF. Put two tbs in plastic jar with holes on top. Brought it into grow room with eight big plants. Not flowering yet but stinky anyway. Smell disappeared instantly. Don't know how it works but it does. Try it for indoor smoke.
Check pics.

are you serious? i have that ona. it didnt do crap on my last grow, and I hate to say it, its doing crap on this grow. Yes I grow skunk, but come on, my current plants are like 4 days in 12/12 and it smells like a fuckin farm right in front of the big ass ona jar.


Well-Known Member
are you serious? i have that ona. it didnt do crap on my last grow, and I hate to say it, its doing crap on this grow. Yes I grow skunk, but come on, my current plants are like 4 days in 12/12 and it smells like a fuckin farm right in front of the big ass ona jar.
well then i want what you're smokin!:joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah skunk is the bomb. i love all the smells of weed second to the high itself. theres nothing else like it. skunk is a nice strain. but she stinks like a bitch cause the smell I can see is still going to be work this season even with all the stuff im already using.


Well-Known Member
are you serious? i have that ona. it didnt do crap on my last grow, and I hate to say it, its doing crap on this grow. Yes I grow skunk, but come on, my current plants are like 4 days in 12/12 and it smells like a fuckin farm right in front of the big ass ona jar.
I'm surprised, maybe you got a bum jar. I love the stuff. I'll have to wait for serious flowers to see what it can really do, but so far so good.