I Feel Silly, But Could I Get Some Relationship Advice?


Well-Known Member
I'm with the other posters on this one.. shouldn't take that kind of crap from anyone, especially from someone you're trying to start a relationship with.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I think you're just hot for her bod.And so you're projecting what you want onto her, overlooking the bad a little.Dump her.She's rude, inconsiderate, and will fuck the guy behind your back.you're smart.You see this coming.Swerve and avoid it.
So, after four years of being out of the closet, I finally manage to find another chick who's seeking too.
Problems: She's a bar-head, and while I find her absolutely enchanting when she's sober, she's intolerable when she's bar-ed out. She becomes very confrontational, whiny, and moochy.

She's bi. This wouldn't be a problem, but she is still in contact with a guy she was actively interested in when I first met her.

She likes public displays of affection, like passionate kissing, whereas I'm very conservative.
Despite all of these things, I still asked her out. She's very attractive, and when she's sober she's a great conversationalist, very elegant and well-kept. (My ideal girlfriend.) She had informed me that she had stopped taking bars and I jumped on the opprotunity to take her out. Since she didn't have much money, I treated her to dinner and a movie, and bought an ounce to share some with her. It was my first date, so I'm not sure whether ordering multiples of the most expensive drinks on the menu is a foul. But texting the dude that she was into before dating me during the entire movie, seems rude, especially since I paid for her to see it. Not only that, but she tried to convince me to go and pick the dude up after the movie, because he supposedly got kicked out of his house. I refused, unless the dude was willing to pay me gas money. After the movie, we crashed at a friends' house, and got high.

Despite the fact that I was sore at her, when she made advances, I was rather, um, earnest in responce. We were sleeping together in a spare bed, in the dark, privacy, ideal conditions for physical intimacy, in my mind. Heavy petting is really all it amounted to, but being a first time, it was a big deal for me.
Later my friend informed me that he had been given bars by her, and saw her take some herself. That explains a lot of her behavior, but since she had told me she had quit...
The next morning, she insisted we go to breakfast, ordered plenty of food and then walked away from the counter, leaving me to pay.

So here's the question, do I confront her about her behavior and her dishonesty about the bars, and then try to patch things up? Or do I just drop her, with or without telling her why? She's inclined to throw a hissy fit if I tell her why, but since she did happen to favor me sexually that night, I feel I owe her an explanation.

Well? What do you guys think? I'd go to other people for the advice, but I want to hear adult opinions, from people who've had plenty of dating relationships.


Well-Known Member
I think you're just hot for her bod.And so you're projecting what you want onto her, overlooking the bad a little.Dump her.She's rude, inconsiderate, and will fuck the guy behind your back.you're smart.You see this coming.Swerve and avoid it.
Damn, this sucks. But I guess it could have turned out worse. I got a call from a friend the other night, and told her what happened. She called another lesbian friend and now I'm going to a gay bar next weekend to meet some people. Hopefully this will produce better results. :D
I think I've been looking in the wrong places, expecting to meet other gay people the same places straight people meet other straight people was stupid of me.

Anyway, thanks for all the help everybody, I really appreciate it. <3

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Good luck.Being alone is not nearly as bad as being in a rotten relationship.
Damn, this sucks. But I guess it could have turned out worse. I got a call from a friend the other night, and told her what happened. She called another lesbian friend and now I'm going to a gay bar next weekend to meet some people. Hopefully this will produce better results. :D
I think I've been looking in the wrong places, expecting to meet other gay people the same places straight people meet other straight people was stupid of me.

Anyway, thanks for all the help everybody, I really appreciate it. <3


Well-Known Member
Her being bi is not the issue,seems to me that she's a user who know's all too well how to play on peoples emotions,if it were me the minute she started texting stud muffin i'd of walked out & left her ass sittin there,then let her call studly for a ride home.

It's not that damm hard to find somebody,my wife is bi & has had the same girlfriend for over 10 years so i know it's possible.


Well-Known Member
To me it doesn't seem like she really wants a real relationship, just a physical one. Confront her about it on an upset not mad tone and if she doesnt understand leave her and never talk to her again

p.s. i used to do bars, and when i did i cared about no one or nothing. just wat sounded like fun to me at the time

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Moe.I'm gonna have to neg rep you for that.:evil:
tell the bitch to get fucked and hit the bricks, best advice u'll get mate trust in me and just in me, but then again my advice when it comes to girls is all the same, they lie cheat and not worth ur time, be single its better, been happly single for 4 yrs sure u will miss the relationship side of things and the closeness but love is just a feeling u can live without it mate, just get a fuck buddy and just got to town on her when ur in the mood, best way to live life, our motto a girl is only a life support for a vag


Well-Known Member
I would tell her that I am reconsidering it.. that I couldnt be with somone as erratic as her.. and then leave it up to her what the next move is..

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
wait till she gets drunk and slutty one night and then take her home.

Your going to need some supplies.

Saw zaw
18" dildo

Tie her up and go at her with the electric dildo for hours. After that night she will never want to be penetrated again and she would be all yours for ever and ever.

Unless she blamed you or something. Better have someone else do it to her.

Man my ideas are good.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
That was the opposite of good.
wait to she gets drunk and slutty one night and then take her home.

Your going to need some supplies.

Saw zaw
18" dildo

Tie her up and go at her with the electric dildo for hours. After that night she will never wanted to be penetrated again and she would be all yours for ever and ever.

Unless she blamed you or something. Better have someone else do it to her.

Man my ideas are good.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Gawd, just cuz some one legged strippers got together and beat ya with their peg legs in the forest and took your wallet, doesn't mean that all one legged strippers are mean.Or women.:bigjoint::mrgreen:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Stoney McFried again.

The funniest part was that he didn't seem to have spotted the fact that OP is a chick.

Aussies, eh? Tchah!


Well-Known Member
shit, i need to read shit better

aww i love monents like this, everythink just blows the fuck up in ya face :) the thrilse of live :)


Well-Known Member
Her being bi is not the issue,seems to me that she's a user who know's all too well how to play on peoples emotions,if it were me the minute she started texting stud muffin i'd of walked out & left her ass sittin there,then let her call studly for a ride home.
Yeah, Bi chicks aren't all bad, but they have a reputation in the gay community of ditching for dick. I always told myself I wouldn't get into a relationship with one, but then I did anyway. And spent a buttload of money that I really shouldn't have been spending in the first place. It's really not all her fault, I was just tired of waiting for someone of quality to come along.
It's not that damm hard to find somebody,my wife is bi & has had the same girlfriend for over 10 years so i know it's possible.
LoL, I'm sure it's possible, but as a lesbian who lives in a non-gay friendly part of Texas with conservative parents, it's been a real bitch. Seriously, I've had to hide the fact that I'm so poor right now from my parents, so they won't find out I spent so much on a date, with a girl. And if they found out she was black too? Ugh, I'd be in it deep.
But, on the brightside, I'll be moving to Chicago soon. Which, I've heard, is a very gay friendly place that is drenched with lesbians. (Although my friend may have just said that to appease me.)
The best is yet to come.