i feel that new grower are exspecting too much from each grow


Well-Known Member
More and more newbies are asking how much yeild that they will get of each grow. Now this is impossible to say without knowing all the in and out of the grow area and what starain that you are growin.when you first start out aim for 1 ounce per plant and if you get more all the better.but in a little time of growing you will become a master at this yor self without any help.too much is put on the plant that you are growing and not enougth on the growroom.i started my grow room when i was working i work in the building trade with a trade that realy helps a grower i'm not gonna sat what it is but my rooms was spot on.!100% dark when lights were out realy important no light leeks.then the next was ventalation i bought some ducting and brought 2 into each room this is well nice for fresh co2 loft spaces always have spaces in the tile's good place to run them too i found 4 put the ducting to each and you could feel the new co2 been brought in.next i bought 2 12 ince ossalateing fans one at each side inside the rooms,these will emulate the natural breeze that you get out side and make the stems tougth against breakage.i do not no co2 tank i would like one but in the future perhaps i use water put into a soda stream when in veg you can buy this but make sure it is only water and co2 if it has sugar in thats ok too but noyhing else ,i use this 3 times a day.i have 2 600 h.p.s lights 1 large exaust fan that i have on both rooms i only realy need to use this alot during the summer months the vent tubeing that i put in takes stagnent air out during winter.i grow about 20 plants in these rooms 1 blueberry and a new favorite trainwreck in the other i will get a min of 4 ounce of each plant but there are at least 3/4 that throw the odd supprise and give me about 6 this is the dry weight and i am happy with that.i have a cloeing mother room that i put my next lot in and i normaly have to veg for about 2 week before i get my next yeiled.so that is a new batch every 10 week.but if you are new to growing and you are getting one ounce dry per plant be happy with that you will improve with experiance like everything in life good comes to those who wait.


Well-Known Member
well it is a tempting question to ask when you dont have any experience. its the biggest question on your mind especially if you invest alot of money into growing.

i do agree that it is an ignorant question though because there are so many variables.
That's why I'm just aiming to see my plant sprout. If it gets as far as flowering I'll be really happy.. And if it produces a fair bit, even happier :P


Active Member
Personally I think that it would benefit all new growers to get a feel and understanding of basic plant care before they start with expensive seeds, get to understand how a plant grows and survives, how it uses nutrients and in particular how the root systems develop and uptake water/nutes. As someone said to me many years ago, "you're growing ROOTS!" Too many first grows are ruined by 1. overwatering or 2. overfeeding....... off they go and buy up every nutrient and additive going when they should really be concentrating on the basics of plant care. Get yourself a tomato plant, grow it and learn how it develops, its closely related to the cannabis plant and a newbie can learn a LOT this way for the cost of a 75p plant PLus you get to eat the crop at the end :-) Might sound stupid to some BUT if you read through the 'plant problems' sections each day you see that it could help a lot of new growers to get a feel for things.

This is the way to healthier yields :-)


Well-Known Member
absolutely, thats why i ran a crop of bagseed first. i fucked it up every way you can think of. but now i have a good respect for temperature and air movement and overwatering and all kinds of stress.