I found a bag of blow..........


Weed Modifier
Do u want a surprise?

I guess, i'm not allowed to pic favs anymore, I'm suppose to hate everyone equally, or is that luv? lol ;)
yes please...im 38 bday is in november ima scorpio.... or do i got to wait...lol


Weed Modifier
haha multi-quote lmao .....it should reset, once reply is made? have to manually take it off...lol


Well-Known Member
So last night my roommate had some female friends over, they got wasted and did a few lines then without even asking drank most of my booze :( It was in he fridge, they were fucked up so I decided the 15$ was not worth an argument, I said nothing and passed out :) This morning I find a bag with a nice amount still in it (blow). Guess they left it behind lol. I'm not one to take such stuff but i'm super tempted in lieu of their recent choices, hmm should I?

Let's discuss ....
LoL my face would be numb if someone did that to me... Just Sayin... :-P


Well-Known Member
I shouldn't be reading this thread. Had my dances with the white lady a plenty. This thread is making me crave hard... errgggggg


Well-Known Member
Probably some chopped up bullshit,people who do it,told me,that once you do that shit,it aint no coming back,you will spend all of your money on blow,and be in a angry bitch mode mood when you don't have none.throw it out,or give that shit back.


Well-Known Member
I must admit, I enoy a little cocaine on occasion...no more than once or twice a year...In the past 10 years, probably done it maybe 10-15 times. Shit makes me wanna fuck for hours, though...lol...so I gotta do it with a pretty lady, or it's sorta a letdown...lol...


Well-Known Member
i'm trying to learn something from this thread.

if I rub my face in tingling vagina long enough will it make my face numb?


Well-Known Member
Why do people even like the stuff. It doesnt even do shit. It can be addictive but a one night binge never got anyone I know hooked.
I used to fuck with it because I got it for free from a " freind" who went into that kinda business. It did not end well for him. he whopped off on it and now sits around all day abusing Xanax & coke. I don't talk to him anymore, went from someone who I trusted to that guy you would walk to the bathroom to" show where it was "

Want to feel the same as doing a gram. Drink 3 cups of coffee run around your block and sit down. That's about, it high heart rate and fast shallow breaths and thirsty as fuck.


Well-Known Member
I never found value in the money I spent on blow.

i have pass by very few offers but have rarely gone out to seek it.

Too much $ and not enough return for my investment.


Well-Known Member
Also don't be fooled by if it gives you a nummy. I know people who cut it With pressed baking soda tablets and asprins and OTC numbing pain killer for toothache. I can't remember what it's called but it comes in a little vile .

I think it's called benzocaine

People are fooled so easily. Look it's rocky it can't be cut. No they just took the cut/mix and pressed it back into a tablet and gave it a little crush for looks.


New Member
I've heard that average blow on the street is stomped on so many times it's only 15-20% coke ...the rest of it? who knows...you roll the dice with that shit


Well-Known Member
I've heard that average blow on the street is stomped on so many times it's only 15-20% coke ...the rest of it? who knows...you roll the dice with that shit
trust me it's less than that,bcuz when it leaves the coca fields,it;s chopped over their,hit's mexico it's chopped over their,hit's america it's guess what?...chopped over here,before it gets to your local dealer,he chopps that shit too.


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ, Man! You still haven't tooted the shit? It was a gift for drinking your booze. No mystery, just a decent person leaving what they had, to say thanks.