I found God...


Well-Known Member
Where was He? Did you find Him on a train? Did you find Him on a plane?
Was He sitting with a mouse? Did you find Him in your house?


Active Member
I will try to... I promise.... tomorrow. keyboard, fingers, screen all getting way way to wonky for me right now. Gonna enjoy the tail end doing christ knows what.

I believe I experienced what is "termed" an ego death (and subsequent re-birth)

Things will never be the same for 'me' again... that's for sure


Well-Known Member
Namaste my brother!!!!

I am glad your path has been corrected and now you are on your way to enlightenment!!!

i hope, wish and pray you don't rely on an answer from a substance.
they are TOOLS!!!!!
do not abuse the sacred ENTHEOGEN.

God Bless YOU and everyone!!!

and remember...
all of this came from YOU.
and that LSD HELPED YOU.

much love <3


p.s. plant your root down,
let your conscious be your guide,
and the force will always be with you.


Active Member
I'd love to hear more. I am not religious & I stopped believing in God at around age 12. After I did LSD I noticed that, in my opinion, there is no God...but that's just what I felt. I was kind of unsure but after my first trip this is what I believe now: there is no God. Were just human, a part of nature. We came from the big bang or some crap. I think to have a religious experience you have to be religious or at least thinking about it a lot. But that's just my opinion. Who knows though. I learned from LSD to not worry about it and if there IS a God he will understand my doubts and I will go to Heaven if he is such a great, understanding, and forgiving God like they say. He would understand how hard it is for me to believe in such a thing. But overall I just think religion is something people created to ease their worries about death and the afterlife. But I won't bash on anyone's beliefs just like I wouldn't want anyone to bash on mine but if you enjoyed your trip I am very glad for you :) it's always a lovely thing to hear.


Well-Known Member
the term God simply means a superior being. The creator of the universe and source of morality.

Jesus could have been a normal guy with a lot to say. An ancient obama! desperate for change! people will worship the ones who change their lives, especially if for the better.

There is a God, it might be a giant humanoid that can teleport and dissapear, it might be your mentor, it might be your boss, it might be within you. Some of us are natural Godhedes, or Godheads, and we have a strong natural urge to improve the lives around us. A lot of learning comes with tripping. One experience might change you but many could fix you.


Well-Known Member
It HAS been thousands of years since a single individual positively induced change. In those thousands of years, perception has become distorted and exaggeration has taken rule. If their is said to be a lizard like creature with spikes and a red tung, we translate it to a fire breathing dragon. If we can be realistic, we can better understand the stories told. The bible may hold many secrets that are dismissed as an exasuration or fictional story of morality.

Moses might HAVE split the ocean. He did not put his hands up and seperate a pathway through 500 ft deep sees with towering tsunami';s on opposing sides miraculously holding back anocean of water. But he may have been a smart man, who understood tide patterns, and a sand bar that could be exposed. Or an ebbtide could have been a coincidental explanation for one of the most aw inpiring stories of all time. We are natural jealous and greedy. We want to fly so badly that we tell ourselves if there was a god, or many, they could fly. We tell ourselves the pinnacle of evolution is human flight. But we are again, very unrealistic. We are evolved to walk on this earth and fuck shit up.


Ursus marijanus
It HAS been thousands of years since a single individual positively induced change.
Oh I dunno ... Gandhi? Watt? Pasteur?
cheers 'neer

Oh and in re for what we evolved ... I'm cultivating a more optimistic outlook. For the moment we're fairly unreconstructed animals imo. But soon, maybe, genetic engineering, neurotechnology and the as-yet-unknown disciplines that emerge from these ... ,will allow us to have conscious feedback into the substrate of our consciousness. THAT is when the next great evolutionary leap will occur, perhaps as cool as the first multicelled organism.
Hey. A 'neer can hope.


Well-Known Member
tesla, stalin and hitler, had more of an impact. Peace is quiet. Destruction isn't.

Gandhi is a better example than watt, but these figures could very well be seen as Gods or children of a God, should we last another two thousand years. America is the poster child for inter-racial cross breeding of all different ethnicity's. Our spiritual beliefs are being disproven by the media and our individual thoughts and emotions are governed by rationality that is either programmed or constantly monitored. "karma" and "bad luck" might just be another word for "the 'gods' arent happy with the path you are traveling". Who are the Gods? either true Gods under the roll of human beings, or human beings doing "gods work". The media is our God. We rely on technology and media every day and for the most part, we trust it.


Well-Known Member
THENUMBER1022 You have some shiny cogs in your brain I enjoy your thoughts =)

I just think everything just IS. If god exists he IS just there too. Its the IS`ness of Business :D


Well-Known Member
Thanks tenner, your thoughts, heartless BBQ, BendBrewer, St.Verde and a few others really brighten up this forum.

Everything in actuality, IS money. Money rules the world unfortunately. In a time not so long ago, we ruled our own lives. :(


Well-Known Member
Thanks tenner, your thoughts, heartless BBQ, BendBrewer, and a few others really brighten up this forum.

Everything in actuality, IS money. Money rules the world unfortunately. In a time not so long ago, we ruled our own lives. :(
I felt pretty weirded out when I thought of the economy as one living thing... We aren`t actually in control of the economy and its pretty damn scary!! Its like we`re the cells in its body transferring cash notes around keeping this beast alive...

..... where did you say you found god, I`m going to go have a look... :)