I found God...

Just smoked the perculated AMG and am appreciating free will to its fullest. It feels great to chose what we believe on our own.
1022, I don't consider either Stalin or Hitler to have been bringers of positive change.
Watt I rank ahead of Tesla because he invented the steam engine which was the utter cornerstone of the industrial revolution. I rate that as massive, durable positive change. I didn't detect a qualification in the sentence quoted that the change had to be spiritual ... after all, that is very difficult to quantify and discuss fruitfully imo. Tangentally: Newcomen built the first steam engine, but Watt built the first efficient, manufacturable, compact steam engine. In re electrification, there is no one central figure, Tesla included imo, who can be really called the father of electric technology.
cheers 'neer

<edit> To contribute to the thread's topic: I found God once ... and promptly misplaced Her.
1022, I don't consider either Stalin or Hitler to have been bringers of positive change.
Watt I rank ahead of Tesla because he invented the steam engine which was the utter cornerstone of the industrial revolution. I rate that as massive, durable positive change. I didn't detect a qualification in the sentence quoted that the change had to be spiritual ... after all, that is very difficult to quantify and discuss fruitfully imo. Tangentally: Newcomen built the first steam engine, but Watt built the first efficient, manufacturable, compact steam engine. In re electrification, there is no one central figure, Tesla included imo, who can be really called the father of electric technology.
cheers 'neer

<edit> To contribute to the thread's topic: I found God once ... and promptly misplaced Her.

Error. Your meter readings are faulty sir. You cannot hold Watt ahead of Tesla!
nah, I didn't mean to imply they were necessarily fathers of improvement, but as far as change in general. Along with black plague, the ice age, etc... The great ancient entities that created the massive stone structures that still stand today, thousands of years later.. Leaving maps and religions to follow. As said, religions are the cause of every war.

But tesla in a sense developed our ability to process and manufacture beyond human capability.
Error. Your meter readings are faulty sir. You cannot hold Watt ahead of Tesla!

I'm open to discussion, but I put Faraday (motor, generator) ahead of Tesla (wireless telegraph, generally misattributed to Marconi) and without Watt's doohickey to drive the generators ... you see where I am going.
cheers 'neer
...so, now that your sobar....watch these videos.
LSD actually done the opposite to myself.


...so, now that your sobar....watch these videos.
LSD actually done the opposite to myself.



Not sure about the point of the first video in the context of my thread. I do agree with him that the human species is fated to extinction. They will indeed destroy the planet at some point by over-population, wasteage of natural resources due to the falsehood of the belief by governments and organisations that the species is entitled somehow to a perpetual economic growth. Well more people are just beginning to realise the truth of that bullshit as I write. Just look around and open your eyes. I realised this long before my personal enlightenment.

Anyway... the earth will have recovered after we're gone that's for sure. We've only just appeared in a blink within the context of earth's history and will disappear just as quickly. Don't fall into the trap that the human species is that special. I do my personal utmost to minimise my use of energy and resources but I am not alone on this fragile Earth. I figured this all this all out before I did my trip and my viewpoint has not changed even after my rebirth.

Stephen Hawking? He should drop a few tabs before he dies - I think it would benefit him greatly. I do admire him though. God will come eventually to all I now believe even if they do not seek him and Hawking IS seeking him otherwise he would not be continuing to do what he does so I think he's just kidding himself

Sorry to hear of your experience. Not sure exactly what you mean by 'did the opposite to myself' though. Good luck hunting though if this is what you still wanna do
I melted into IT on DMT and syrian rue once.

When shall I be free?

When I shall cease to be.

No more I, but we...

In perfect harmony.


You meet God when time stops and nothing else exists, not even you.
Returning from this state was the sadest moment of my life.

Then you might be lucky enough to learn that you are not God, but God is eveyone of us.
Lowryder now you might understand why I sometimes say that you are not totaly fully human to the extent of your physical abilities until you have done a dose of real LSD.

I have expeienced the same things you have, in fact we are very much alike. I was very moved by your post.
I melted into IT on DMT and syrian rue once.


You meet God when time stops and nothing else exists, not even you.
Returning from this state was the sadest moment of my life.

Then you might be lucky enough to learn that you are not God, but God is eveyone of us.

I don't quite understand why this made you sad. Yes I did realise that God "is all" therefore everyone of us, every dewdrop and every particle for example.
Being back in my own mind compared to the ultimate mergeing was like being reborn into a sewer.
after you are trapped in the timeless, not your first trip, or second, but maybe your 10th trip in, you are excited to be alive but when you are trapped in a heavier atmosphere and time seems to stop, death seems like the easy way out! its no wonder why LSD is so dangerous, not to mention jumpers. I could have broken my neck doing double front flips off a second floor balcony while tripping hard, but I was one of the lucky few that didn't end up in a hospital.

LSD is the greatest thing in the world, but as soon as you trust it, it could go south very quickly if you aren't careful.

I am glad to know there is a forum of people who understand the beauty of tripping, beyond our burnt out hippy friends that lack explanation. There is no room for selfishness on Earth.

Thank you very much for sharing your experience.
after you are trapped in the timeless, not your first trip, or second, but maybe your 10th trip in, you are excited to be alive but when you are trapped in a heavier atmosphere and time seems to stop, death seems like the easy way out! its no wonder why LSD is so dangerous, not to mention jumpers. I could have broken my neck doing double front flips off a second floor balcony while tripping hard, but I was one of the lucky few that didn't end up in a hospital.

LSD is the greatest thing in the world, but as soon as you trust it, it could go south very quickly if you aren't careful.

I am glad to know there is a forum of people who understand the beauty of tripping, beyond our burnt out hippy friends that lack explanation. There is no room for selfishness on Earth.

Thank you very much for sharing your experience.

I appreciate the advice. I don't intend to do it again with this dosage since I feel I have got out of it all it could give me. I may, however, experiment with microdosing in a year or two since I still have one blotter left. I'd like to hear people's thoughts on microdosing and any possible dangers if any.