I fucking hate drug dealers!


Active Member
look this guy is a nob head, phones should be switched off when closed for business...

yeh I should fucking rob the cunt but its too close to home and two wrongs wont make a right

best to do is just let him fade away....

Junior Byles - Fade Away


p.s this is a tune by the way ;)

mr west

Well-Known Member
get this then, my dealer started growing for himself and his family and stopped dealing but we have both ran out. So I gave himn a lift to his dealer mate who sells the slanty weed grown by the chinese and vietmanise. Wen we get back he says do i wanna 20 and he serves me a fucking 11th of an oz of damp slanty. He is a mate ffs lol. Guess there aint no friends in bussines. It was a 30 od mile round trip too lol.


Well-Known Member
Why are people in this thread saying you should have robbed him? Is this really the society we live in? Someone dicks you around so you rob them? Jesus christ.


Well-Known Member
Why are people in this thread saying you should have robbed him? Is this really the society we live in? Someone dicks you around so you rob them? Jesus christ.
I think only i said i would of robd him.. :)

If someone dicks me around, i will give em something to remember.... + if he has weed on him, i might just take it off him !

:) easy as that. :joint:

grow space

Well-Known Member
me do dont understnad this fucking stupid crazy world-everyone is like-money , money, profits, profits, dont give a shit about anything else-lets just fuck everything up and feel good of ourselves.


grow space

Well-Known Member
its a dog eat dog world but without compassion were all f@cked
YEA-we are really, really fucked..no human feelings, money is the shit that drives us!!!!
thats why i grow my herbs to say all these fuckers-fuckk off, you fucked me and now dont be hoping any help 4 me!!this society has fucked me over really bad and look, i have become the same as those fuckers, looking only after myself, and i dont like that.:spew::hump:


Well-Known Member
I think only i said i would of robd him.. :)

If someone dicks me around, i will give em something to remember.... + if he has weed on him, i might just take it off him !

:) easy as that. :joint:

You're not the only one who said it...001 said it as well.

"If someone dicks me around, i will give em something to remember.... + if he has weed on him, i might just take it off him !"

That is by far the dumbest shit I've ever heard, and if this is how you really feel, I fear your time on this planet will be very short.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
comes a point tho when self preservation kicks in and we become selfish, however much folks want to claim to be socialist n help their brother man...


Well-Known Member
comes a point tho when self preservation kicks in and we become selfish, however much folks want to claim to be socialist n help their brother man...

Of course. If it comes down to me or you I'll pick me 100/100 times. But it also comes down to respect. You can assert yourself without being a prick. If you can't that shows me everything I need to know about you. Being selfish over something that doesn't belong to you shows you to be a malicious, and greedy person. I just thought potheads were more privy to this. Ya know...Respect, Unity, love, honor. Guess not.


I know how that is from both angles. I down here its not as much hurry up as much as it is this. You call your boys in town, You drive 30-40 miles to town to go pick up your shit. You get there and they won't pick up their phone. THEN Niggas acting dumb an shit about like Oh we still need to weigh it out and shit. And bag it. And find a place and do ALLL THAT OTHA SHIT. And then when you finally get your shit... Its two hours later and your wantin some food cause its a long drive home but you jus spent your paycheck on GRADEEEEE.

But from the dealers POV if he has to go do something and you said you'd be right there then you should be right there. In this situation your right but hey, Dealers are ppl too. But just a little note to all the dealers reading this shit. ( Cause I know it caught my eye ) When someone calls you up. You need to be punctual with that shit. Weigh it bag it stash it sell it. BOOM done. In out done.

But yo 001 let him know that your spreading a bad word about him if he fucks up again.


Well-Known Member
You're not the only one who said it...001 said it as well.

"If someone dicks me around, i will give em something to remember.... + if he has weed on him, i might just take it off him !"

That is by far the dumbest shit I've ever heard, and if this is how you really feel, I fear your time on this planet will be very short.
Ahhhh shut up gravy !!!!!!!!!!!

dont twist things around, its easy as that dont fuck around with me... or it will have its outcome.... and i said i might, i didnt say i would... but if i am pissed off enough... surely will fuck you over just like someone would..

you said dicks around.... for me that is very rude.. and not needed... someone and many people need a slap around the face... and something done to em before they realize what the fuck there doing.. and how much they come across as a wanker..

shit man......... + you gave me rep saying all nice stuff about me.. you know i am a nice guy !!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont twist things around, its as easy as that.

im off to smoke some weed, man you just pissed me off.....


Well-Known Member
Ahhhh shut up gravy !!!!!!!!!!!

dont twist things around, its easy as that dont fuck around with me... or it will have its outcome.... and i said i might, i didnt say i would... but if i am pissed off enough... surely will fuck you over just like someone would..

you said dicks around.... for me that is very rude.. and not needed... someone and many people need a slap around the face... and something done to em before they realize what the fuck there doing.. and how much they come across as a wanker..

shit man......... + you gave me rep saying all nice stuff about me.. you know i am a nice guy !!!!!!!!!!!!!! dont twist things around, its as easy as that.

im off to smoke some weed, man you just pissed me off.....

If any other woman responded to my comment in this manner i'd ignore it...so I'm going to do the same for you. Stop crying, and man the fuck up.
Stop being but hurt over every little thing.


Well-Known Member
Lmfao@ the REP comment. I disagree with my parents. I disagree with my wife. I disagree with my friends. Yet I can't disagree with some random motherfucker on the other side of the globe. Go fucking figure. *slaps forehead*