I Fucking Love Weed.


Active Member
I just love it. I love watching a seed turn into some awesome pot. I now understand biology completly all do to cannibus. Its my hobby. Just thought id get that off my chest haha. Anybody else?


Well-Known Member
I consider my body a temple and would not defile it with pollutants. That stuff is illegal for a reason, it kills brain cells making users stupid.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
with you there buddy, its great to have a hobby like this, stealthy and private...

understanding something that seems so easy (yet can be so hard) and gaining experience everyday..

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
Learned so much in the last 5 months between RIU and the marijuana grow bible. Not only marijuana but all sorts of horticulture. Crazy........:eyesmoke:


Active Member
I've learned a lot from it. When I first started understanding it I felt like I understood the way life works. As crazy as that sounds.


Active Member
with you there buddy, its great to have a hobby like this, stealthy and private...

understanding something that seems so easy (yet can be so hard) and gaining experience everyday..
Exactly! I started growing a couple of weeks ago and joined this site like ten days ago and I already know so much. I feel like an indian. Haha


Well-Known Member
I consider my body a temple and would not defile it with pollutants. That stuff is illegal for a reason, it kills brain cells making users stupid.

Hehe some of the posts on these forums kind of make ya wonder... ;)


Well-Known Member
I totally understand how you feel!

I love everything about growing, and the satisfaction of being able to consume what you produced.

This site it the best of the web too, I have learned just about everything I know about growing from this site and the amazingly helpful people that use it!

Whats even better is there is always more to learn! I'm constantly adjusting my techniques for the better!


Active Member
It really did teach me what the word patience means. Also taught me responsibility. Lol looked after my plants like they were my f'ing kids. You can learn soo much more from growing cannabis yet society still thinks it's such a horrible thing. Ignorance will only hold people back. I personally congratulate all of my fellow RIU members for your stance on MJ :weed:

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I consider my body a temple and would not defile it with pollutants. That stuff is illegal for a reason, it kills brain cells making users stupid.

*what're you doin beardo?*
FUCK YOU it was self defense------bitch."

One of the catchiest lines in a lyricists history... Honestly..


Active Member
really 9 comments on this goofy post and i have none!! https://www.rollitup.org/toke-n-talk/517083-lets-hear-story-most-stoned.html clcik here im bored i wanna hear about everyones story of their most stoned moment!!
Haha mine was the first time I ever smoked. I was seventeen and I had heard about these kids that smoked after school. They were way older than me. They told me to give them twenty bucks and they'd let me smoke with them. (Now I see I totalt got ripped off).We smoked a blunt in a truck and I remember thinking it wasn't working. Then someone put on eyes on fire and I totally got lost in space during the song. We drove around listning to dubstep for an hour. Was awesome.


Well-Known Member
lmao nice!! if it was a good story/time you remember forever jokes on them they let you in on that cheap ;).... your supposed to put it in the link tho lol


Well-Known Member
yeah i feel the same way and if it wasnt for this site i wouldnt know shit about growing i learend alot here over the years
I just love it. I love watching a seed turn into some awesome pot. I now understand biology completly all do to cannibus. Its my hobby. Just thought id get that off my chest haha. Anybody else?

Dude! I'm with you. Listen, the cannabis plant is SO cool, so many cute things about it. Like the males have these BALLS lol, and you can twist the balls off if it's herming, and keep it female. That's hilarious. Also the females have these long silvery labia like flowering coming out, that darken with age from the buds, when they flower.

It's such a cool plant, almost a shame to smoke.... but not that much of a shame ;)