i get up in the night TO eat cheese


Ursus marijanus
Eeeeeewwwwww! Don't ruin a perfectly good chunk of cow with cheese............
I am always amazed and impressed by the sheer variety of human taste (esp. in re flavors). I wouldn't want cheese on my steak unless the rest of the Philly package were included. However, chanterelles slow-stewed in gobs of butter make a grand topper (for/to my tastes, of course!) for a nice rib eye ... cn


Well-Known Member

Saganaki? You may all leave now...get out...NOW! The cheese and I would like to be alone......... :twisted:


Active Member
That looks fantastic. Fondue is always nice; fuck, cheese is always nice; who knew that rotten breast milk could be so fantastic in so many flavors in so many ways?


Ursus marijanus
Once upon a time, long ago and far away (in New Jersey, to be specific) I encountered a cheese at a fancy wine&cheese place. It was called "Fropain des Mages". I cannot even find it on the Internet anywhere. It was a mild white cheese, but with this inexpressible and elusive awesomeness. I dream of it, on occasion. cn