I give up.


Active Member
I just want to rant.

I've TRIED growing for five years in a row now. I've spent almost a decade reading about it since I was a kid and all I want is one single female to call my own. This year I went above and beyond my legal safety zone and tried to germinate way more seeds than I should. Well, guess what, I still have yet to produce one single fucking female. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.

I've used bagseed every time except for one time, but of course that one time something went horribly wrong which I won't get into. I'm not willing to order seeds online, and I live in the midwest. I'm about ready to say fuck growing, which subsequently means fucking smoking pot all together because I'm done throwing my money away for a plant that should be legal. I've invested so much time and energy (not to mention some money) into this shit.

My life would be so much easier if I could just get my hands on some clones or good genetics. Can someone please tell me what the fuck I can do? It's been 8 long years, something has got to give. :sad:

Buddha C

Have you grown them to flowering period and they were all males? And I personally think you should just order a feminized strain online, though I see you have some reservations about that. >.<


Well-Known Member
you got to order some seeds or somethin idk what your doing wrong but it seems like your having some trouble...

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
damn it took 5 years???? and no females?? it took my first try and got 2 females ... like above... try to get clones.. or order some seeds.. u can't go wrong with attitude seed bank ... good Luck in the future


Active Member
The years before now, I would have various problems. For example, my first time I overwatered, second time I tried outdoors and deer ate/trampled them... This year I planted significantly more seeds, grew them all a foot tall into flowering, and not one single female LOL. At first it was coincidental, but now it's just grossly ironic. So back to square one again.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
Dont give up buy some feminised seeds and all should be good u got some bad luck with all those males. The feminised seeds are 99% female if u get males with feminised seeds then i geuss ur just not meant to go.

Someone mentioned attitude seed bank i buy from there very reliable and excellent choice and fresh seeds and will always get a freebie to. Good luck and you want to buy good seeds to get good plants. If u use bagseed from shit weed ur weed will probably be shitter than the stuff u bought.



Well-Known Member
it is statistically improbable that in five years (i am assuming five grows) and with as many seeds as you have had, that you have had only males and not had any females at all. I believe it is something you are doing to make the females that you do have, turn into hermaphrodites. could you please walk us through your process of how you grow your plants, also where in the midwest are you? i am in nebraska and if you are near there, i would be able to point you towards a place to get clones.


Active Member
You need to get over your fear of ordering seeds over the internet. Attitude will even package the seeds in a sneaky way if you pay a little extra. Almost everyone on this site started with ordering seeds over the internet - without a problem. I feel your pain - I would be frustrated by those results too. Just give it one good try with decent seeds - please??!!



Well-Known Member
Get some feminised seeds or 10 good seeds from a seedbank. I ordered mine from bcseeds.com
I am going to harvest one of my pants this week. I should net 4 oz.
Check out my grow below. It has been so easy.
Start with the right seeds, the right light and good nutes. Follow the instructions listed everywhere on this site and you will have dank nugs in no time at all.