I give you $1 mil, the catch - you have to spend all of it in 24 hours to keep it...


Well-Known Member
Gold has always held value so it has a great track record. Silver is great, too. It's an industrial metal, so will never be strictly a bubble. Numismatics would be the easiest way to spend it fast. Get some cool rare coins and a lot of bullion.


Well-Known Member
I'd pay the nearest crack head $50 to shoot you, thereby eliminating stupid 24 hour timer, and whistle on down the sidewalk with my remaining $999,950.00. Possibly while also wondering how you hadn't been shot like this sooner. Ez game.


Ursus marijanus
And if Gold is another bubble?

I'd watch Brewster's millions.
If gold is another bubble, there'll be time to step off in time to rescue most of the value. It won't drop 20% in a day.
I would buy a house. The real time-consumer is arranging the financing. Cash in hand? Done; in escrow by day's end. cn


Well-Known Member
Spend it all on a really nice house; turn around the next day, sell it, keep the money.

I beat the system.


Well-Known Member
thats my problem i dont think it IS a bubble. well it is. but it hasnt come even close to popping. and it won't any time soon. silver is so undervalued compared to gold it isnt funny. wudda ya think mitt is gonna solve everything? he will only further divide the classes. he's famous for being a business underdog. fuck the ppl. its the shareholders that matter. there go the overseers...the ones obama put into place. the consumer watchdogs, systems to protect the public from unscrupulouse business. remember the housing debacle? u dont think it will happen again? all it takes is for the government to trust business to run itself. yeah right. exactly what mitt wants. we've all seen what that leads to. peak oil is also real. the devaluating dollar is real. our credit worthiness is in question. quantatative easing is happening yet again. thats why gold is rising. our debt can never be paid. the math does not exist. it will have to be wiped clean. and THAT will cause panic and we all know what panic does. like my crazy cuzin billy is famed for saying, "wait till ya see what happens next". mitt recently said he doesn't even think global warming is real and we shouldnt be spending millions on what if's. the arrogance. i would transfer a mil in cash into a REAL asset. like property. or bullion. in a state not destined to be short of water in thirty years. like the american west and southwest. THIRTY YEARS. not so far away. retirement age for me. so its either east coast, northeast. or belize, panama. more realistic for my affordability. hell with toys. toys are an american distraction. watch more tv. stick ur head under the sand. its the american way too. i'm not an economics wiz. i'm just a humble gardener. but i can see trends and repeated lies. i read ecomomics books. it's a fascination really. and i think i see the writing on the wall. give me REAL money and let me live in a world where produce comes from my neighbors yard, not 3000 miles away. i think i can figure out the rest.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i'd buy a bunch of houses and when the 24 hours was up i'd sell the houses i didn't want and bank the rest. or maybe i'd sell one house and use the money to improve the other houses, sell them for more than what i paid, and end up with my own million bucks and a house.


Well-Known Member
some people are spending way more than 1 mil lol. all i want is some fat hookers and a cheese burger to feed the hookers then a busness then if there is money left over ill give it to a charity