I got a bad case of the Droopy McDroopypants goin on up in here. why the droop?

Hey guys thanks for stopping in. jumpin right into it, here's the scoop. Im growing 4 plants, Mk ultra, Humboldt, Super Skunk, and Blue Mystic, in soil. vegg'd for around 6 weeks under a 400 MH, then switched recently to a 600w HPS. At first, they were too close to the light, and all the excess lumens shocked Humboldt (the tallest) in just over an hour.

Turning the ballast down to 75% fixed this, and she was right as rain.
the next day i upped the power to 100% but increased the distance from light to around 2.5 feet. after 6 hours under the full wattage, they were fine. after 9, they began drooping. I reduced to 75%.

Last night i had it at 75% for most of the night and then 100% the last 2 hours.

They just woke up, and most of my girls looked fine, but Humboldt is showing these droopy leaves, and im not sure why. Im feeding them all the same hesi nutes, all the conditions are the same.

NOTE: the stem of humboldt IS rigid, unlike when she was light shocked. asdf.jpgasdf2.jpg

Anyone know the reason for her droopy droopy leaves? and does anyone know why these girls arent getting accustomed to the 600? its almost been a week since the switch from 400 to 600. thanks guys, :leaf:


New Member
Could need more water only if your soil is dry. That pic looks a bit dry but you have to poke your finger in it to see. A good way to find out is to lift the pot is it lighter than the rest? It also could just be waking up. Some plant will droop an hour before lights out and stay drooped an hour after lights on hope this helps.

Bayou bud

Active Member
Different strains need to be watered more/less often and need more/less nutes per plant some times. They have a genetic predisposition for a certain strength of feeding in each different stage of veg/flowering. Maybe that might be it. Also the stress of changing the lights up n down a bit might throw them off a bit. Pick up the buckets, if they are light, more water. If they are still heavy from the last watering then that is more than likely not it. Good Luck. Also, pythium/root rot is something I always have a shock of fear of when I see drooping leaves.
you guys were right, she was hungry. i fed them 2 hours ago, and now her leaves are standing up and lookin fine. i'll be sure to give her more water in the future. cheers all, and thanks!

Bayou bud

Active Member
the older she gets, the more she will eat. slowly up the nutes with every other watering for maximum potential.