I got a great offer today.

Word to the wise , if they do make good on the offer of making you grow master do not let them give you an assistant for any reason , been there & done that with my ex partners who couldnt grow a fukin dandy lion in their yard , along comes as assistant so i dont have to work 8 tables by myself , 6 months later my partners had a flood table going using my system & having great success but never cutting me in on the profits .

The begenning of the end of my days as a dispensary owner , i ended up selling out & selling them the commercial building complete with all 8 tables fully stocked .

Gaurd your grow skills like its top secret atom bomb plans or you'll be booted after they get good at it .
You should have shot Gail right in the face.
I dont see all the hub bub about owning a dispensary. I have ran businesses for other people before and I dont see any fun in it at all. Plus, just to get started and get your name out there is alot of your time and money already ontop of maintaining the overhead of a new biz. I watched too many people try this already and fail miserably (bunk growers, mediocre product, seed2sale tracking). They barely last a year in business.
I have over 20 products that I offer my patients (10 are diff strains, the other 10 are topicals, edibles and tinctures) My home dispensary....most every sq ft of my house is written off. I work some long days , but mostly I work a cpl hours a day. No way am I gonna kill myself to try to make millions. Im very comfortable with what I make now, the hours I work, and I can be home with my family.
what's a grow master, and who is handing out these titles? is there a test involved? hey, i'm an ordained minister, can i join the club???

It started from non profit co-op's where every nickle of cash & every gram needs to be accounted for in order to obtain non profit status .

A legal co-op needs a charter where every members plant count is turned over to the co-op , within the charter somebody has to be legally responsible for weights & plant count , hence the title Growmaster .
Oops. Gale. Gale Boetticher. Sorry.

Breaking Bad ref. assistant to Heisenberg who is willing to run the lab after the boss takes out Heisenberg, thus requiring being shot in face, yo.

Wish I could paste in his music video..... Anybody?

I dont know the reference but i can understand it now , i had to stop watching the show & didnt get that far into it , reminded me of my life too much with an old man tryin to put money back for his family .

Excellent fukin show but some episodes bum me out so i had to stop watching .
It started from non profit co-op's where every nickle of cash & every gram needs to be accounted for in order to obtain non profit status .

A legal co-op needs a charter where every members plant count is turned over to the co-op , within the charter somebody has to be legally responsible for weights & plant count , hence the title Growmaster .
so what you're saying is, this is the guy in charge of the skim, right? hell, i wanna do that!!!
I dont know the reference but i can understand it now , i had to stop watching the show & didnt get that far into it , reminded me of my life too much with an old man tryin to put money back for his family .

Excellent fukin show but some episodes bum me out so i had to stop watching .
You are not the first I have heard that from. A testament to the show's quality I think. I have a friend who grew up in Albu... however the fuck you spell that made up city name. I guess he went through a meth phase in his youth and absolutely could not watch it.

Maybe someday you might feel different. It'll probably still be some of the best tv ever produced.

Do you really think growing skills are the sort of thing you can successfully keep to yourself? I guess I may not know the secret.
Holy shit I'm sorry and I love all of you but bitching about your job when you fucking grow weed for a living is a little bit ridiculous. Try owning any business. It's tough no matter if you're selling weed or sandwiches. At least when you grow weed you walk around checking shit and fucking off for most of your day. I love weed but that shit doesn't compare in the slightest to a regular product sales job- at least people are excited and happy when they show up at your counter
I dont know the reference but i can understand it now , i had to stop watching the show & didnt get that far into it , reminded me of my life too much with an old man tryin to put money back for his family .

Excellent fukin show but some episodes bum me out so i had to stop watching .
Yeah as a ex meth addict, "clean for 10 years now". I hate watching anything that has to do with meth..Its weird because I quit drinking, watching people drink doesn't bother me at all, hell I still go to bars.. but watching people smoke meth on tv documentaries just fucks me up, it's like I am waiting for them to pass to me, and I want to complain about them not rolling it right.. I couldn't watch breaking bad, and I am sure not a lot ex-users like the show either..Meth is pure evil, I'd rather watch people worshiping satan, rather then sucking his dick..
My two above comments came after a round of golf where I started drinking at 7:30 am. No excuse. But I apologize for being a fucking asshole :)